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or Altron_7

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New Dragonball Z episodes now playing on Cartoon Network.(Check your local listings for air time or simply Click Here

Movie 6:
Return of Cooler
Evil Buu
Play For Time
Losing Battle
Hope Returns
The Last Saiyan
Internal Struggle
Kid Buu-
Saiyan Pride
Vegeta's Pride
Price of Victory

Future Releases:
Movie 7:
Super Android 13!
Android Box Set
Kid Buu:
New Beginning

DBZ Movie 6-
Return of Cooler
Play for Time
Losing Battle
Hope Returns
The Last Saiyan
Internal Struggle
Kid Buu-
Saiyan Pride
Vegeta's Pride
Price of Victory

Future Releases:
Movie 7:
Super Android 13!
Android Box Set
Kid Buu:
New Beginning

STS-107.JPG (29900 bytes)
Febuary 1, 2003


UPDATED 2-2-03!!

Best Viewed With I.E. 4.0+
You are using Netscape.

2-2-03@04:10CDT- Sad day in American history today as the Space Shuttle Columbia broke apart and fell to the Earth over Texas, losing all 7 crew members on board her. My prayers go out to all the family members of the lost crew and hope that NASA will find out what went wrong.STS-107
1-27-03@01:30CDT- Damn those Bucs. Anyway's I've updated some new and future releases and that's about it. (p.s. Keep your eyes open for a whole new makeover of the site coming soon!)
1-3-03@18:00CDT- Nothing real major to update right now. But I am adding a java chat link to the server I am at Click here to chat. So drop on by the server. You can either find me in #altron or #thevibe as well as #ps2 under the nickname Altron or Matt. Hope to see ya there.
10-28-02@02:30CDT- Hopefully everyone remembered to set their clocks BACK one hour. Well, seeing as how I've not updated my gundam page in over a year, I'm dropping it....but I am in the process in making a whole new Gundam site that will cover quite a few of the various gundam series. I hope to have that done asap.
9-30-02@23:40CDT-Pics will be done tonight after I get my homework done (shouldnt be more than 45mins) also check out one of my best friend web pages click here to visit his site, its well worth it ^_^
9-20-02@01:15CDT-Sorry for the long absence as I have been very busy with school and all. Anyways minor update as I have updated the releases section on the left as well as brought back the news section also on the left.One minor fix to the last update is the digivibe web site is not completely done yet, only the message boards are complete click here to go there. Also this weekend I hopefully DO plan on putting up the new images section as well as giving the site a much needed makeover. Stay Tuned!
7-19-02@01:08CDT-Welp that merger with AmeriChat lasted a whole week. So its back to a stand alone again server. Visit the DigiVibe web site click here to visit the DigiVibe site. I will also be gone the next week starting this Saturday. So till I can get back the new pages of images will not be linked quite yet (although I am done with 2 pages).
7-2-02@02:00CDT- Long time no lets get straight to the point. I updated the side info bar a week or so ago and I just added some new music vids earloier tonight.Enjoy!P.S. the IRC server I Admin at has linked to another server AmeriChat in an effort to become a bigger and better server! So come check out Irc.DigiVibe.Net!DC users go here and PC mIRC users go here /server
5-19-02@23:15CDT-I've linked with one of my best friends forums so now you all can post your comments on our sites and Dragonball in general.Also fixed the broken links on the movies page.Thanks for being patient :)
4-28-02@06:05CDT-I've did a slight update but I havent finished linking the movies page back to the main page....will have that done by later tonight.
4-24-02@19:15CDT-Nothing real major, but the site will undergo a few changes over the next day or two.On another note you can now find me at the following chat servers and If you are interested in going to them and don't know how email me and I will give you the directions whether its on a PC or a DC.
4-9-02@00:20CDT-Earlier tonight I recieved my 20,000 visit. Thanks again to everyone who has visited this web site over the past 2 years.
4-8-02@01:30CDT-Updated the episodes up to 247.Also it seems that I am not having as much downtime for the site as had a week ago.Things are looking better :)
3-29-02@00:35CDT-Updated the info bar as to when the newest videos/dvds are due out.That's all for tonight!
3-28-02@19:00CDT-Well for those of you who didn't notice the site has recently been unreachable at times due to not enough bandwith.And for those who did notice I had posted 3 new videos.Key word had.Till I can figure things out I've taken down the Trunks clips and 1 music video as well.Later on tonight I will do a better update.
1-25-02@11:40CDT-No real big updates right now.I might put up another music video later on today (most likely).Side note Movie 5 came out on Tuesday and if you haven't done so pick it up on DVD or else video :)
1-13-02@03:15CDT-Happy New Year everyone!!! >=P I know this is 2 weeks late but better late then never, eh?No update tonight but I will once again start postin more stuff here (more music vids,pics,sounds,ect.)So till then take care everyone!
12-29-01@05:10CDT-Not much in the way of updates now.I added a link on the left (or click here) to one of my friends web site.Check it out!And if I don't update before Monday night....everyone have a safe and great New Years :D
12-5-01@23:45CDT-Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.(thats not the update BTW)As for the update I have another music vid to post,but that won't be done till tomorrow night =P
11-16-01@01:40CDT-Updated the info bar as well as the english episodes.
11-15-01@00:10CDT-I updated the English Episodes upto tonights Midnight Run ep.Also will have the info bar updated later on tonight.
11-2-01@03:30CDT-Well I uploaded 3 videos and they can be found in the Movies section.
11-2-01@00:34CDT-Once again I seem to have gotten a little lazy on updates. BUT right now I am uploading a few videos check the movies section in about 1 hour for some or you can Click Here!
9-15-01@01:50CDT-Well its been a tough week for us all, as a nation and as fellow Americans.So in memory of all the people we lost in the attack on the World Trade Center, The Pentegon, and in Pennsylvania I have decided along with many others to display a ribbon on my web site.(Look toward the bottom)Well I have updated the side info bar,the episodes, and added a few links.Till next time take care everyone.
8-10-01@01:40CDT-As I promised I have updated the English eps.Next to be done is the side info bar and other things :D
8-9-01@03:11CDT-Well I'm back yet again.I apologize for my absence and I will start updating reguarly once again.only a minor update now.I uploaded some pics of me on my other site.I will update the english episodes tomorrow night and soon as I get more free space on my PC i will upload some DBZ music vids.Till the next time....take care :D
6-01-01@02:48CDT-Minor update.I added a link to my IRC page.And yes it is still under construction.I hope to have it up by Monday.But check it out!
5-26-01@04:20CDT-WOW! I found my way back here!!!!......sorry for the long absence.But anyway I have a new section I'm planning now.It will be an IRC section!(lol i know thats not original but hey).I should have that complete hopefully by Tuesday.It will feature IRC happenings,Friends,Friends web sites,(hopefully pics) and other goodies!.And as for the DBZ stuff goes I will post another rm this weekend.But I aint gonna tell ya you will have to see for yourself.
4-3-01@04:04CDT-I added an mIRC script.Click here Also sorry for the lack of updates I'm doing now.....but I promise that i WILL have those RM's I said I would have on in the next week.
3-7-01@22:15CDT-Just a minor update tonight.I'm adding a new link in my link section.He's a good friend I met on IRC awhile ago and he just started up his web site.So go and check it out! =D
3-1-01@22:46CDT-I don't know why I didn't think of this before.But anyone that visits here that wishes to meet me I'm found chattin away almost every night (usually after 10pm CDT)at Click here for DC users PC users should go here (the Sega Dreamcast chat server) and I go by the nickname Altron.And I'm found in my room #altron as well as #sonic,#help,and #dreamcast..So for all of you who wish to meet me come by!Also it helps for you to have the mIRC program found here another note I do have more RM's to put up but I left them on my ZIP disc's.=(

(Disclaimer:DragonBall,Dragonball Z,and Dragonball GT was created by Akira Toriyama and was produced by the Toei Co., Bird Studios,Pioneer Animation,and FUNimation.This is just a fan site and is not meant to infringe on any copyrights.I apoligize if I do infringe I did not mean to.If there is a problem let me know and we'll try to solve it.)
This site is dedicated to all the DBZ lovers out there,but most of all to my girlfriend and u know who u are =D

Sunday, March 2, 2025