So far in my life one of the main things I have figured out is that I don't have many friends, and I don't have many enemies. But probably the one and only enemy in my life is time.
Every day that goes by I age another day, every year that goes by I age another year, and soon the bottom half of my hour glass will be filled, and my time will be up.
But I have also figured out that that time is far from now and that until then I should live my life the best I can.
- Tony Misiano
NTSB site
Avit Law - NTSB Summaries
Crash Info
Nasa - Avit Safety
Do you know how pale & wanton thrillful comes death on a strange hour unannounced, unplanned for, like a scary over-friendly guest you've brought to bed?
Death makes angels of us all & gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as raven's claws.