150 Things About Me


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1. My name is Angela Dee Robinson

2. I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue

3. I am VERY indecisive

4. I don't eat red meat (besides hamburgers)

5. I grew up living with my gramma

6. I'm literally retarded when I first wake up

7. I have a cat named KiKi

8. I dont have a birthmark

9. I have three best friends

10. I smoke camel lights or American Spirit Lights

11. My favorite tv shows are Osbournes, American Idol and SNL

12. I never got into Survivor, The Bachelor, Temptation Island or any of those.

13. I tape the Osbournes.

14. My favorite word is refurbished.

15. I have a dog named Kirby

16. I know how to play the saxaphone

17. I dont cry easily

18. People say I'm funny

19. I used to have a million stuffed animals but now they're in my basement in garbage bags... I still refuse to give them away.

20. My favorite non-alcoholic drinks are rootbeer, koolaid and water

21. I have been to 9 or 10 concerts

22. I have been to multiple local "shows"

23. My favorite alcoholic drinks are blue rasberry vodca, capt. coke and the ocasional beer

24. I have never asked a guy out

25. I dont think I ever will

26. Most country music makes me angry

27. I am right handed

28. I have never been hospitalized

29. I can't stand silence

30. I like talking on the phone.

31. I have been to the Rainbow Gathering and GreenMan Fest

32. My tongue and ears are peirced

33. I have a hard time with the concept of shrugging off someone elses harsh comments about me.

34. I am into intuition and symbolism.

35. I dont normally dream

36. If I do, my dreams are usually lucid

37. I hate looking in the mirror

38. I dont have a favorite animal, color, or number.

39. I cant sing

40. I enjoy almost any kind of music...but country

41. I am not homophobic, racist or sexist

42. Most of my family is

43. The "girliest" clothes I wear is dress pants/shirts

44. I LOVE sweatshirts

45. I have never had braces although I wish I would have

46. I cannot cook but I'm determined to learn

47. I prefer silver to gold

48. I can whistle really loud using my fingers

49. I cannot swim... I can doggy paddle!

50. southern accents annoy me

51. My birthday is November 19th 1982.

52. I am a scorpio

53. I love British Accents

54. I get really jealous.

55. I get tired of hearing a song over and over again really quickly

56. I have been a telemarketer

57. I have anxiety

58. I love watching stand-up comedians.

59. I swear way too much

60. My comforter on my bed is a purple quilt my aunt made for me

61. If I have money, I cant spend it easily, but if I dont have money, I find tons of stuff I want.

62. I am Exremely sarcastic

63. I'm afraid of dead bodies... but I'm not afraid to die

64. I feel mtv should change its name to non-music tv.

65. I dont tell people if I like someone

66. I used to be a really depressed person... not really anymore

67. I feel like I have huge feet.. size 10

68. I have three half brothers and no sisters

69. I have a ton of neices and nephews

70. I hate whip cream, mushrooms, milk, tomatoes, spicey food, and fish

71. I hate conversations online that start with a/s/l.

72.I have 25 people on my buddy list but only talk to 4 of them.

73. I have never had an online boyfriend

74. I have never collected beanie babies.

75. I get car/motion sick easily

76. I used to steal a lot and often still get urges

77. I type 68 words per minute.. last I checked

78. I only like books that are non-fiction

79. I have never been to a funeral

80. My eyes are brown

81. I wish they were bright green

82. People that act "highschool" piss me off

83. I make friends easily but keep in contact in spurts

84. My parents separated before I was 1 and divorced when I was 10

85. I introduce myself as "Angie" cuz when I say "Ang" everyone sais "What?"

86. Almost everyone calls me Ang

87. I want 3 or 4 kids... eventually

88. My mother was depressed, alcholic, and a drug addict

89. I never knew about it

90. I haven't talked to her since I was 10

91. Politics pisses me off

92. I'm dissapointed with most of the human race

93. I like to play devil's advocate

94. I have never had surgery

95. I've broken my arm and middle finger..I can't remember if they were right or left

96. I still have my wisdom teeth

97. I had 3 cavities when I was little and I lost those teeth so I now have none

98. I can spend hours on the internet

99. I'm not a big fan of pie or cake

100. I was born at 2:17am

101. I still like to pull pranks on people, color, play games, and go sliding.

102. I LOVE video games!! Tetris and Mortal Combat are my favorites.

103. My favorite gum is Blue Orbit

104. All my CD's have scatches

105. My room is always messy but my apt never was

106. I am easily amused

107. I do not like lasagna or spegetti

108. I feel weird when people hug me

109. I have no allergies

110. I HATE when people lie to me

111. I can't fake burp

112. Elevators make me uneasy

113. Elevators make me want to laugh

114. I took two years of spanish and failed the second one.. so I took it again and passed

115. I cant stand having long fingernails so I bite them

116. I have a horrible memory

117. I'm bad with #'s but remember phone #'s easily

118. I wish I had a little sister

119. I'm a night person

120. I analize too much

120. I have a fear of drowning

121. I have never been on an airplane

122. Not really afraid of hights

123. I like to laugh out loud

124. My fav. sport to play is basketball

125. I love rummage sales and thrift stores

126. Seeing bugers, snot or nosebleeds makes me puke

127. My favorite holidays are Halloween and New Years

128. If given the choice, I would have rather been born a boy

129. But I am fine with being a girl

130. I have no tattoos

131. I have never been in love

132. Sometiems I talk to myself

133. and somtimes, I respond

134. I like kids

135. I've shot a gun

136. I've done shrooms, weed, x, coke, crank, glass, meth and various over the counter and prescription uppers and downers

137. I now just smoke weed

138. My fav beer is miller light

139. I am a procrastinator

140. I have only been to 3 other states (Wisconsin, Michigan, and South Dakota)

141. I am very patient

142. I'm lactos intolerant

143. I have never seen the ocean

144. I have never been to jail

145. I got my drivers license when I was 18

146. I graduated at the lower end of my class

147. I would be VERY generous if I were to win a lottery

148. My thumbs don't bend all the way

149. I still think I'll have a career where I make a lot of $$

150. Right now I'm jobless and in a lot of debt

Isn't it funny how one minute life can be such a struggle, and the next minute you're just driving real fast, swerving back and forth across the road?

--Jack Handey Deep Thoughts

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