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Meet the Preachers

This is the second page of Sim Preacher's website.
If you arrived directly to this page, then you missed the introduction (mostly geared to Sim Gamers) on our home page.
If you wish to see what you missed, click on the link at the bottom of this page.

Click on the faces below to go to the different pages.

Sim Preacher

He cares deeply about the lost. He is known for his love and compassion. He is an Evangelist.
But don't think he is a cream puff, he can get real tough when he has to.


She runs our Sunday School. Relating to women, children and stories and sim houses and sim links

Ciruit Rider

He is a world traveler and keeps his eye on events, however, he does have his own opinions

Rabbi Sim

He is our voice of wisdom from the ages.

Hermano Sim

He is our Latin brother

Guest Sim

This is you, or at least where I will put items submitted to me from you.

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