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Displaying The Flag

The flag of the United States of America is a very important symbol. Its stripes symbolize the rays of the sun. There are thirteen of them, to represent the thirteen original colonies, which got their freedom from England. The stars represent each state in the Union as well as being symbols of the goals people set. The flag itself is a symbol of our nation and its democratic ideals. Because the flag has such special meaning, it's treated in special ways.

You can help people show respect and love for the flag by displaying it at your home and business on a regular basis, and especially on patriotic days.

New Year's Day, January 1
Inauguration Day, January 20
Lincoln's Birthday, February 12
Washington's Birthday, third Monday in February
Easter Sunday (variable)
Mother's Day, second Sunday in May
Armed Forces Day, third Saturday in May
Memorial Day (half-staff until noon), the last Monday in May & May 30
Flag Day, June 14
Independence Day, July 4
Labor Day, first Monday in September
Constitution Day, September 17
Columbus Day, second Monday in October
Navy Day, October 27
Veterans Day, November 11
Thanksgiving Day, fourth Thursday in November
Christmas Day, December 25
The birthdays of States (date of admission)
State holidays
and such other days as proclaimed by the President of the United States.