Love is a strong word. So is riot. And so, apparently, is Moffatt.
Put the three together and they spell ‘spectacle’-the likes of which unfolded at unassuming Mountain Plaza Yesterday.
It was mauling at the mall-right in the middle of children’s wear, no less.
The Moffatts, four brothers from B.C. and Canada’s current pop sweetheart exports, drew and estimated 5,000 screaming fans to what was supposed to be a civil gathering at the mall’s Wal Mart outlet.
Civil? Yep, just like the war. Amid the fainting bodies, ambulances, gruff security, and sweaty police, nervous blue-smocked Wal-Mart staff could only watch as their store unraveled.
Large skids of toilet paper, detergent boxes and paper towels buttressing the in-store stage on wither side were a mangled heap by night’s end.
As the Moffatts-Scott, Dave, Bob and Clint-did their thing on stage, the shrieks of thousands of worked-up adolescents easily drowned out the music.