Ebony Angel's Place
Prince Hall Affiliated, F & A.M., Missouri Jurisdiction
- Order of the Eastern Star- New Hope Chapter #56- Past Matron/Worthy Matron 1988-1990
- Heroines of Jericho- Mary Magdalene Court #32- Past Most Ancient Matron/Most Ancient Matron 1986
- Order of Cyrenes- Magdalene Court #5- Past Commandress/Royal Commandress 1987
- Order of Golden Circle- Eureka Assembly #4-Past Loyal Lady Ruler/Loyal Lady Ruler 1998-1999
- Daughters of Isis- Medinah Court #15
- Phyllis Chapter
- Past Grand General Secretary - Grand Court Heroines of Jericho of Missouri Jurisdiction
- Past Grand Lecturer - Grand Court Heroines of Jericho of Missouri & Jurisdiction
- Past Grand Scribe/Registrar - Grand Court Heroines of Jericho of Missouri Jurisdiction
- Past Grand Registrar - Grand Court Order of Cyrenes of Missouri & Jurisdiction
- Chr. Financial Committee - E.R. Bryson State Golden Circle Assembly
- Past Most Ancient Grand Matron - Grand Court Heroines of Jericho of Missouri Jurisdiction
- Past Director OES 1st Degree Team
Hi People!
My name is Carolyn J Hams and I'd like to welcome you to
I joined the Order in 1981. The Initiation impressed me so much, I wanted to learn as much as I could about the Order.
With that thought in mind, I joined the Heroines in 1982, the Cyrenes in 1983, the Golden Circle in 1984, and the Daughters in 1985. The Phyllis Chapter came a few years later, it being an International Chapter mostly for learning and research.
The teachings of the Order are the most important aspect to me. That is what has made it survive as long as it has, (Something we should all remember).
One part says that the first impression is lasting and should be for good. I took that thought to heart. I work on the Initiation teams of the Order of the Eastern Star, Heroines of Jericho, Daughters of Isis, and at times the Golden Circle.Won't you please take a moment and sign my Dreambook? It would give me so much joy to know that you were here.
Also, stop by Ebony Angel's Chambers, sign in and join the discussions.
My Favorite Internet Lists and Forums
My Favorite Links
My Reading List for the OES
Ebony Angel's Page-Heroines of Jericho
Hariam's World
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Missouri Jurisdiction, P.H.A., F. & A.M.
Harmony Grand Chapter-OES, Missouri Jurisdiction, P.H.A., F. & A.M.
Ebony Angel's House-Order of Eastern Star
The Phyllis Chapter
Ebony Angel on Black Planet
Ebony Angel's Arbor-Cyrenes
Ebony Angel's Villa-Daughters of Isis
Ebony Angel's Abode-Order of the Golden Circle
General Conference of Grand Courts - Heroines of Jericho
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Email: ebonyangel7.geo@yahoo.com