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201197utc11dx Ham Radio Links

American Radio Relay League (ARRL)

Hong Kong Call Book (VR)

  • Iceland (Tnx TF5BW)
  • Callbook ARI Italiano (Tnx IW8QBW)
  • Luxembourg Call-Book (unofficial) (Tnx LX1NO)
  • Romanian Call Book on Line (Tnx FRR)
  • [Slovenia] S5 Radioamateurs Callbook (Tnx S51BW)
  • South African Callbook (SARL). Provides call sign lookup for South Africa (ZS), Lesotho (7P), Swaziland (3DA), Namibia (V5), Botswana (A22), Mozambique (C9), Tanzania (5H), Zambia (9J2), and Zimbabwe(Z2)
  • Tadjikistan Callbook (EY)
  • United States
  • Buckmaster's World Wide HamCallTM Server
  • DX PacketCluster WebNet (Extensive packetcluster information resource)
  • DX Summit (OH2AQ)
  • Most recent 25 DX Spots (From the DX Summit)
  • Asia DX Window (Asian cluster via RA0FF)
  • HF DX Web Cluster from JAPAN
  • Japan DX Clusters
  • IRC #CQDX Chat Channel (Tnx Doug, N6RT)

    6M DX Spots - OH2BUA Last DX-Spots on 50MHz

    Internet Six News - The "ONLY On-line" Six Meter Magazine.

    WELCOME TO MY HOME PAGE! I AM N5VT, AND I A DXER. Below is a CALLSIGN SEARCH. It contains all the valid calls assigned by the FCC.

    Callsign Search!!!

    To locate a person, fill in either:

    Callsign: (exact match ONLY!)

    or some combination of:


    (last name, first. NO MIDDLE INITIAL example: Burns, frank)


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    Here are some of my favorite DX links

    DXpedition Home Pages (Ordered from future-to-past dates)

    CY9 - St. Paul Island 6 - 10 July 00
    3B6 - Agalega 7 Oct 2000
    TX0DX - Chesterfield Island (IOTA OC-176, 158.32E, 19.87S) 15 Mar - 1 April 2000
    FO0 - Clipperton Island 1 Mar 2000
    CE0ZY - Juan Fernandez Is Feb 2000
    XZ0A - Myanmar Jan 2000
    VK0MM/VK0LD - Macquarie Dec 99 - Dec 00
    9M6OO Spratly/Borneo/Brunei November 1999
    T30CW/T30Y and T33CW/T333Y Oct 1999
    5W0GD Oct 1999
    T31T and ZK3DX Sep-Oct 1999
    3C0R Annobon Island September 1999
    R1MVA - MV Island July 1999
    OJØ - OHØ /K7BV Market Reef May 1999
    3B9R - Apr 1999 Rodriguez Island
    FW5FN - Feb 1999 Wallis Island
    E44/HA1AG - Feb 1999 Palestine
    T20FW - Jan 1999 Tuvalu
    ZL9CI - Jan 1999 Cambell Island
    FT5ZH - 27 Nov -25 Dec 1998 Amsterdam Island
    XZ1N - 21 Nov - 7 Dec, 1998 Myanmar
    BQ9P - Nov. 12 1998 Pratas
    E30GA - Nov. 1998 Eritrea
    8Q7IO/8Q7IQ - Oct. 1998 Maldives
    ET3AA - Sep. 1998 Ethiopia
    3D2DX - Sep. 1998 Rotuma
    1A0KM - July 1998
    TL5A - 1998 - Log Search
    3B7RF - May 1998 St. Brandon
    JT1X/JU1HA - May 1998 HA Dxpedition
    FO0FI/FO0FR - April 1998 Austral/Marquesas Islands
    H40AA - April 1998 Temotu Islands
    JT1Y - April 1998 Mongolia
    J80R, J8/EA2BP - March 1998 St. Vincent
    8Q7AA - Jan 1998 Maldives
    5A2A - Nov 1997 RRDXA - Libya
    5A28 - Aug 1997 Austrian DXpedition to Libya
    BS7H - April 1997 Scarborough Reef
    VK0IR - Jan. 1997 Heard Island Expedition
    K7K - Sep. 1997 Kure Island

    Delta DX Club #1

    Alamo DX Amigos

    Arkansas DX Association

    G4NJH Pages

    K8CX Ham Gallery

    National Contest Journal - Planned Contest DX-peditions

    Niagara Frontier International DX Association

    North Jersey DX Association

    Northern California DX Club

    Northern California DX Foundation

    Oceania DX Group

    Oklahoma DX Association

    Potomac Valley Radio Club

    Texas DX Society

    The DX Hound

    Virgina DX Century Club

    The DX Bulletin's

    ARRL DX Bulletins
    The Daily DX Subscribe here
    160 Meter Bulletin
    DL9GOA/DL7VOA Dx Newsletter

    The 599 Report

    ARRL DX Bulletins

    Ohio/Penn Dx Bulletins

    The DX Newsletter
    425 DX News
    National Contest Journal
    Digital DXpress from Holland

    Amateur Radio National Societies

    ARRL - American Radio Relay League
    URA - Unio de Radioaficionats Andorrans -Andorra
    AARS - Anguilla Amateur Radio Soc.
    RCA - Radio Club Argentino -Argentina
    AARC - Aruba Amateur Radio Club
    WIA - Wireless Institute of Australia -NSW Div.
    OEVSV - Oesterreichischer Versuchssenderverband -Austria
    BARL - Bangladesh Amateur Radio League
    UBA - Union Belge des Amateurs-Emetteurs -Belgium
    RSB - Radio Society of Bermuda
    LABRE - Liga Brasileira de Radioamadores -Brazil
    RAC - Radio Amateurs of Canada
    CARS - Cayman Amateur Radio Society
    CARS - Cyprus Amateur Radio Society
    CRK - Cesky Radioklub -Czech Republic
    EDR - Experimenterende Danske Radioamat岦lt;/a> -Denmark
    ERAU - Estonian Amateur Radio Union
    SRA of Finnish Radio Amateurs
    REF - Radio Amateur Union of France
    DARC - Deutschen Amateur Radio Club -Germany
    GARS - Gibraltar Amateur Radio Society
    RSGB - Radio Soc. of Great Britain
    RAAG - Radio Amateur Association of Greece
    GARS - Guernsey Amateur Radio Soc.
    HARTS - Hong Kong Amateur Radio Xmit. Soc.
    IARU - International Amateur Radio Union
    IRTS - Irish Radio Transmitters Society
    IRA - Islenzkir Radioamatorar -Iceland
    IARC - Israel Amateur Radio Club
    ARI - Associazioni Radioamatori Italiani -Italy
    JARA - Jamaica Amateur Radio Assn.
    JARL - Japan Amateur Radio League
    KARS - Kuwait Amateur Radio Society
    LRAL - Latvian Amateur Radio League
    RAL - Radio Amateurs of Lebanon
    LRMD - Lietuvos Radijo M맫j䲡ugija" -Lithuania
    LRMD - Lithuanian Amateur Radio Society -English Version
    RL - Ré³¥au Luxembourgeois des Amateurs d'Ondes Courtes -Luxembourg
    MARTS - Malaysian Amateur Radio Xmit. Soc.
    FMRE - Fed. Mexicana de Radio Experimenta. -Mexico
    VERON - Netherlands Experim. Radio Org.
    NZART - New Zealand Amateur Radio Xmitters
    NRRL - Norway Radio Relay League
    RCP - Radio Club Paraguayo -Paraguay
    RCP - Radio Club Peruano -Peru
    PZK - Polski Zwiazek Krotkofalowcow -Poland
    SRR - Soyuz Radiolyubitelei Rossii -Russia
    ARRSM - Associazione Radioamatori della Repubblica di San Marino
    SARTS - Singapore Amateur Radio Xmit. Soc.
    ZRS - Slovenia Radio Amateurs
    SARL - South African Radio League
    URE - Union Radioaficionados Espanoles -Spain
    RSSL - Radio Society of Sri Lanka
    SSA - F⥮ingen Sveriges S䮤areamat⥲ -Sweden
    USKA - Union Switzerland Kurzwellen-Amateure
    CTRAL - Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio League -Taiwan
    RAST - Radio Amateur Soc. of Thailand
    RCV - Radio Club Venezolano -Venezuela

    Amateur Radio Clubs

    The 146.435 Repeater Group -Pictures of "The Pole": N2HEP Site
    The 22 Crew - WB2JKJ -Radio Club of JHS 22 in NYC
    AARA - Albany Amateur Radio Assn.
    Mt. Beacon ARC Hudson Valley NY Area
    BARC Boston Amateur Radio Club
    BreezeShooters -Catch'em on 10
    CUARC Columbia University ARC
    FOC First Class CW Operators Club
    Kohtla-Jarve Ham-Radio Group Home Page -In Estonia
    Nittany Amateur Radio Club
    New Jersey QRP Club
    OMARC Overlook Mtn. Amateur Radio Club
    PARC Palmetto Amateur Radio Club
    Penn-Del Amateur Radio Club
    The QSY Society
    Quarter Century Wireless Association
    Radio Telegraphy Very High Speed Club
    SOWP Society of Wireless Pioneers
    Stones River ARC K4FUN -Over 140 links to YL Web Sites
    SCARC Sussex County, NJ ARC
    SARA Split Rock Amateur Radio Assn.
    TSARA TriState Amateur Radio Assn.

    Amateur Radio Equipment Manufacturers

    ADI-Premier Communications
    AEA Advanced Electronic Applications -Acquired by Timewave
    Alinco Electronics Inc.
    Alpha/Power Inc. -Quality Amplifiers
    Astatic Microphones
    Astron Corporation
    Azden Corporation -In Japanese
    Belden Wire & Cable
    Bencher, Inc.
    Cherokee (Wireless Marketing Corp.) -Low Priced 6-Mtr HT
    Command Technologies, Inc. -High Power HF/VHF Amps
    CPI Eimac Corp.
    CSI Connect Systems, Inc. -Repeater Controllers, Autopatches
    Down East Microwave
    Drake Home Page
    HAL Communications Corp. -HF DSP Modems
    Heil Sound Ltd ICOM Communications, America
    INRAD International Radio -Supplier of Quality IF Filters
    JPS Communications, Inc.
    Kachina Communications, Inc. -Computer Controlled XCVRs
    Kantronics Corporation
    Kenwood Communications Corporation
    Maha Communications -Handheld Accessories
    MFJ Enterprises
    Midland Consumer Radio
    Mirage Amplifiers
    NYE Viking Corporation -Speed-X Keys, too!
    Oak Hills Research -High Quality QRP Kits
    Advanced Battery Systems, Inc. -Formerly Periphex
    QRO Technolog Ramsey Electronics -Ham Radio Kits & Assorted Gizmos
    R.F. Electronics -500W & KW Amateur Amplifier Kits
    SGC Transceivers
    Shure Microphones
    Standard Amateur Radio Products
    Svetlana Electron Devices
    Ten-Tec Corporation
    Timewave Technology Inc.
    Uniden Online
    The Vibroplex Corporation
    Vintage Radio Kit Co. -Tube Transmitter Kits
    Quantics W9GR Digital Signal Processors
    Whiterook Products Co. -Keys, Clocks, QRP
    Wilderness Radio -QRP Rigs & Accessories
    Yaesu, America

    Frank King N5VT

    Copyright © 1998-2000 N5VT