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Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences

Medical Physics Department

Abroad Mirror Sites

Welcome to Low Dose Radiation, Hormesis and Radioadaptive Response Home Page

Dedicated to Professor Takaji Ikushima
One of the pioneers in radioadaptive response

Radiation is a language of nature

                                                              Professor T. D. Luckey



   This home page contains information on the beneficial effects of low dose radiation , Hormesis and Radioadaptive Response. I hope this site enhance our understanding of the total spectrum of low dose radiation and its health effects.

    I believe that now is the time for us to speak out, to make ourselves heard, to help people shed their real fears of imaginary dangers of radiation, and to make a realistic assessment of what radiation actually can and does do.

Sheldon Wolff, From the text of the 29th Failla Memorial Lecture presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, held March 14-18, 1992 in Salt Lake City , UT.

    Since Wilhelm C. Roentgen announced on 28 December 1895 his discovery of invisible x-rays and two months later Antoine Henri Becqurel reported on mysterious and penetrating " uranium rays " the social status of ionizing radiation has oscillated between enthusiastic acceptance and rejection.

          Prof. Z Jawarowski

Related Subjects:

  • General Information on Radiation Hormesis & Adaptive Response.
  • History of Radiation Hormesis & Radioadaptive Response.
  • Abstracts of Papers Concerning Radiation Hormesis & adaptive Response.
  • Selected Papers from Researchers All Around the World.
  • Address of Hormesis & RAR Researches .
  • Radiophobia

Challenging the radiation paradigm

About Editor
About Professor Takaji Ikushima
Introduction to Hormesis
Introduction to Radioadaptive Response
Selected Papers
Address of Radioadaptive Response Researchers
More About Radiophobia
Low Dose Radiation, Hormesis & Adaptive Response Links

Radiation & Health Related Links

Radiation & Health Related Links


Feel free to send your comments to:


S. M. Javad Mortazavi

Medical Physics Department, School of Medicine

Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences

Tel Office (98 21) 642-8138, Home (98 21) 802-8302

Fax (Tehran Office) (98 21) 642-8137-8

Rafsanjan , Iran

Note: This Site Is Under Construction .


This Page Last Edited 30th January 1999.

All information is provided in good faith. However, Rafsanjan universisty of medical sciences or the editor takes no legal responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided in this home page.