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L.E.A.P.S. * Across the Heartland

*Lower Extremity Amputees Providing Support

L.E.A.P.S. Across the Heartland was established in 1987 as a support and resource organization with a focus on peer support to new amputees. Our objective is to help the new amputee through example,encouragement and education.

We have monthly luncheon meetings on the 4th Saturday of each month. The meetings offer social interaction for amputees and their families as well as interesting guest speakers.

Our bi-monthly publication is mailed mid month in the odd months of the year and lists our meeting dates and their locations as well as any social activities that are on our calendar.

LEAPS is affiliated with the American Amputee Foundation and is a member of the Amputee Coalition of America (ACA) and registers all referred amputees to the ACA for a national registration and to receive the ACA bi-monthly magazine "IN MOTION".

For more information, to make referrals and to inquire about volunteer opportunities for amputees and others, please call Lou Keyes at 816-361-3206.

(lower extremity amputees providing support)
PO Box 14692
Lenexa, Ks 66215

For More Information, Click on Subjects Listed Below

Vocational Rehab Services

Orthotist and Prosthetists Information

Amputee Coalition of America

Amputee Online magazine

Hemipelvectomy and Hip-disarticulation

Missouri Assistive Technology

American Diabetes Association

UMKC and Bloch Cancer Center

Amputee Resource Center

Disability Media Directory
