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HAVE GUITAR / WILL TRAVEL ---- Larry Garrett

Hi, I'm Larry Garrett. Welcome to HAVE GUITAR / WILL TRAVEL. I play guitar and sing at hay-rides, picnics, club meetings, coffeehouses, libraries, and churchs in the Kansas City vicinity. I write most of my own material, but also mix-in songs from the great Johnny Cash, and others. My own songs are about social issues, death, time, dogs, pariahs, the current world situation, and love. Most of my songs involve real people and events that have had an affect upon my life. Here, you will also find info about my new CD, "Old Dogs, Friends...And Other Things," along with pictures, liner notes, newspaper quotes, my bio, and info on how to contact me about gigs. Folk, with a tinge of country is a pretty good description of what I do.

My CD, and how to order---"Old Dogs, Friends...And Other Things" consists of songs about winners, losers, lost loves, abused children, "When Grandma Didn't Care, sluts, and of course, old dogs. All the events and figures in these songs are real. Some of the people are still alive, others are long-gone, but all played a part in my life. I perform the songs with an acoustic guitar, and occasionally accompaniment from a harmonica. The CD consists of 12 songs.To order, send $11 (cash or money order) to Larry Garrett, 16511 Debra, Independence, Mo. 64055. My CD is shown immediately below:

EMAIL ME------------->

BIO: Married, 2 children, truck driver. I live in Independence, Mo. and perform at libraries, zoos, coffeehouses, bookstores, and most any place they'll let me around the general Kansas City area. My music falls easily into the Folk catagory. I don't write too many songs that people will dance to. My songs tell a story.

*****Go To My Pictures Page*****

Songs and Liner Notes From My CD:
Old Dogs
--- For old dogs of the past: like Pepsi, Robbie, Derek, Bluto, Mickey, Pierre, Peaches, and Max. And for old dogs of the future: like Charla, and Gizzy...and for your old dogs.
By The Grace Of God --- Our lives are influenced by many things, but ultimately, we make the decisions.
Little Boy Black And Blue --- So many children are murdered and abused by those who are supposed to protect them.
The King Of Independence Avenue --- "True innocence is only found in children..." Kendell Core was the boy-king of Independence Avenue.
Michael --- Michael was my buddy. I miss him.
Danny And Blinkey --- Danny was a kid in the neighborhood when I was a young boy, and he had a handicap. But, he also had the proverbial "ace up his sleeve": Blinkey. "Danny and Blinkey were friends."
Song To Pamela --- When Pamela Butler was abducted from in front of her home and murdered, you could actually feel the sadness that enshrouded Kansas City.
When Grandma Didn't Care --- Somedays truly were "the good old days."
Caroline --- Every guy should know a Caroline. Preferrably before he's married.
Someplace I've Never Been --- I knew this old truck driver who claimed he did not need other people. I bet he was lonely as hell.
The End Game --- Some relationships are simply not meant to be. And it's no one's fault.
You Know, Lord! --- The American Medical Assoiciation has recently documented that prayers actually work. Where have they been all these years?

Comments About Me In "The Kansas City Star Magazine":
The following quotes and paraphrases are from an article printed in The Kansas City Star Magazine, December 2000, in regard to local writers. I am very grateful to have been included in this article.

Legendary country/folk singer Johnny Cash inspires Larry Garrett to write songs. Garrett's songs are often "a slice of life" story. His writing tends to be dark and somber, and he attributes this to Cash........."It's an outlet. A form of expression," Garrett says. "I enjoy saying what I want in the written word, and having people listen to it.".........The writer also pens songs about love, dogs, and trains. And as a fan of cultural icon Bob Dylan, Garrett writes songs about political and social issues, such as spousal abuse, child neglect, and The Vietnam War....Garrett writes about a medic in Vietnam: "Remembering a guy named Eddie, I see him running around a hot LZ. He was like me, almost 20, but he looked about 43. And I was a hell of a lot bigger, but he'd have kicked the shit out of me"....often follows this with a love song: "First time Jimmy saw Anna, was nearly 60 years ago. She was gettin' out of her daddy's truck, at the Holt Country Tractor Show. Jimmy was 20 and a farmer's son, growin'-up strong and lean, and Anna was the prettiest thing he'd ever seen."

*****Go To My Pictures Page*****