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St. Louis Assembly #565
Fourth Degree, Knights Of Columbus

Missouri District, Father Padilla Province

Officers for the 2004-2005 Fraternal Year

Faithful Friar: Rev. John Halleman
Faithful Navigator: Keith Milson
Faithful Captain: Reynolds Blackburn
Faithful Admiral: Chris Winkelmann, PFN
Faithful Pilot: John Ballmer
Faithful Purser: Eric Bruns
Faithful Scribe: Steve Sallwasser
Faithful Comptroller: Ernest A. Useted III
Faithful Inner Sentinel: Jack Giebe
Faithful Outer Sentinel: Rick Schmidt
Faithful Trustee: Jim Cooper, PFN
Faithful Trustee: Bob Hawkins, PFN
Faithful Trustee: Dan Parsons

Honor Guard Commander: Ed Cirar

Fourth Degree Hierarchy

Supreme Master, Fourth Degree: Nestor A. Barber, PSD
Vice-Supreme Master, Padilla Province: John Casey, PSD
Master, District of Missouri: Larry Pearce, PSD
Secretary to the Master: Ken Scherer, PSD
Marshal, District of Missouri (East): Ralph Fick
Marshal, District of Missouri (West): Ed Samocha

The oldest Assembly on the net and the largest one in the order!

The members of the St. Louis Assembly try to exemplify faithful service to both Church and State.
The St. Louis Assembly is very proud to have in its ranks four Past State Deputies and many other Former State officers.

Here is how to properly and patriotically display the American Flag
Did you know that the flag code accords the flag the same respect as a living being? Follow the above link!

Send email to Sir Knight Chris Winkelmann, PFN if you like.