The Ten Commandments


Here are some interesting facts most churches are not teaching about the 10 commandments.

The ten commandments were written by the Hand of GOD Himself, in 'stone', on two separate stones and on both sides of the stones. That, in itself, is a sign that God wanted to make sure you saw them coming and going; before Christ came and after. The two stones are separated in this way. The first stone tells us four commandments on how to love GOD. The second stone tells us how to love one another. Jesus summerized this by saying, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself (meaning as I (Jesus) have love you). The first stone is to teach us how to love and worship God and the second is to teach us how to love and be civil toward one another.

God gave us His laws for our benefit. To teach us right from wrong so we can live a godly life. All God's laws were given before a Jew was ever mentioned in the Bible. All the way back to Adam and Eve we see by their actions, that they knew God's laws.

Some of these laws are moral laws and some are ceremonial/sacrificial laws. The moral laws have never changed as they reflect the character of God.

The ceremonial/sacrificial laws were given as and example to teach man about the Messiah and GOD's grace to come. These were the laws referred to in the New Testament as "nailed to the cross"; which they literally were when Jesus was nailed to the cross. He was the ultimate sacrifice that these laws represented.

Many churches today are using the phrase, "we are not under the law, but under grace" to mean we don't have to obey the 10 commandments or the other moral laws taught in the Bible. All through the New Testament the laws of GOD are upheld and exhorted. Jesus said, "I did not come to destroy the law, I came to fulfill it". He came to show us it's full meaning and that total obedience made Him sinless. Many times He clearly states He did not come to take away the law. But man, with Satan's help, doesn't want to obey anyone. If Jesus hadn't obeyed, there would be no salvation for any of us. Satan would be ruler of the universe. Can you imagine the horror of that?

Teaching grace with no law is rediculous, illogical and contrary to all of the Holy Scriptures.

If you have no law, you have no sin. If you have no sin, you have no need of grace. If you have no need of grace, you have no need of a Savior!

If you raise a child with no guidelines, no dicipline and no supervision, what kind of child do you get? That's a scary thought, but it's happening all over our world today because not only has our society taken GOD and the Ten Commandments away, but the majority of our churches have also.

Many will say they believe in the Ten Commandments, but they only, at best, believe in nine. The one commandment GOD has told us to 'remember' in our religious life (the first stone), is the one that most churches have forgotten. That is the fourth and longest commandment.

Go to the link below, "The Ten Commandments", and read them. I have made this in a style that is nicely printable. May GOD bless you.

The 10 Commandments (printable-to return to this website you will have to use back button-there is no link-back)
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