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Here's the Deal: With all the opinions that are out there about the war, I figured I'd put in my cent and a half on the issue. Like anyone cares.

I am, generally speaking, against any war... and for two main reasons.

First, I am hard pressed to find a really GOOD reason to kill another human being. Oh, I think there's lots of good reasons to make another human being hurt for a good long time, but I get all qualmy about taking that step and actually killing them. I just don't think there are many good reasons out there.

Secondly, I find it unforgiveable that innocent bystanders are forced to suffer due to the transgressions of a few. Cities get bombed, and maybe you kill 3 bad guys and 50 other people... and you chalk it up to "collateral damage." Many people are so blase about it and just spout the same old rhetoric: "It's war. Innocent people die in a war." Well I just find that unacceptable. We have snipers for a reason.

(Oh, but the United States of America is not in the business of assassination... riiiiight...)

So it is for those two reasons that I am EXTREMELY and unabashedly against war... in general.

However, I find that I am also against $#!thead @$$hole dictators who slaughter, rape, starve, and brutalize their own people just to prove how big and bad they are. $#!thead @$$hole dictators whose justification for his crusade is so weak that they have to hold their own military at gunpoint to make them fight.

And I find that I am MORE against the $#!thead @$$hole dictators than I am against war.

At least when innocent people suffer from our military strikes, the results are, more or less temporary. When Saddam kills and rapes and plunders his own people, and when we stand by and do nothing, that torture is interminable. The Iraqi people have no way of knowing when it will end. When we come through with our bunker busters and other things in our military array that go Ka-BOOM, they will experience loss and they will suffer... but it is with the hope that they will have something better waiting for them when the dust settles.

All the same, I feel bad for Baghdad, one of the oldest cities in history. I feel bad for the irreplaceable buidings and artifacts that will, no doubt, be destroyed. I feel bad for the people whose only crime is that they were born on the wrong corner of the world--something which is certainly not a death penalty offense. I feel bad for the service men and women who are being put in danger's way because the world allows $#!thead @$$hole dictators to gain so much power.

And I hope it is all over soon.

Disclaimer: All of the opinions found on this website are mine! Mine, mine, mine! You can't have them, so don't even bother to try. My cronies, henchmen, flunkies and spies are everywhere... watching all of you... and stand poised to slap you on the belly with a wet trout if you even THINK about copying any of this. On the other hand, no one's going to fault you for pointing and laughing and thinking I'm a great big dork, so knock yourself out.
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Exploring the Palace...

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