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Apprentice Manual


Dragonlovers Guide to Pern






Thanks be Where Thanks are Deserved

In the begining, there was a young Sr. Apprentice named Margret, who was teaching herself HTML. Then Margret got searched (opps) and was up late at home, and created the first SmithCraft page. Life moved on, Meg updating the pages now and again, editing, trying out new forms. Then Meg met Ethelwyn (IRL, really!) and invited Wyn to play her cousin and be a Smith. The two began to work on HTML togeather, and finally Meg gave the reins of the web page over to Wyn.

Too bad Wyn sucked at HTML, so she wrote raw text (in MS Word actually), emailed THAT to Meg, and meg made it HTML and mailed it back for Wyn to upload. It worked. Currently, Wyn's conned her SO into helping her do the HTML, and only bugs Meg on technical Smith Questions ("How many apprentices does it take to paint a master blue, Meg?" "Three, Wyn. One to think it up, one to do it, one to improve on the paint so that the Master never stops being blue.")

But their efforts did not go unaided. Various Apprentices (in their time) have updated the pages and sent info. Trea did the cute buttons and a lot of the other images. Grego gave input and teased Wyn about things (not to mention he's made his own chemistry page which is very good). Wyn's RL Fiance (Loretta) updates the HTML (complaining the whole time too).

Wyn somehow got bored at 3 am on a friday night and emailed the apprentice manual to Meg and between the two of them, managed to make something workable with it. Meg herself did the glass page and the DLG and the Subcraft page. Wyn did promotions and joining and NPCs and the Who page (cause it keeps changing).

Want to have your name here? Send Wyn an update at Want to thank Meg? Mail her at Want to thank Loretta (Wyn's fiance)? Mail that fool at
