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The Official SmithCraft Home Page

"If It has been done before, it can be done again."
-- Fandarel, SmithHall Craftmaster, Ninth Pass

people have been here! Make it more!

Brief Introduction

First things first. This page and all information within if NOT a product of Fan Fiction. What you have here is the Official SmithCraft page, made by and for the players of PernMUSH. The World of Pern is Copywrite © to Anne McCaffery, 1967. And The Dragonriders of Pern © is a registered copywrite.

On this webpage, you will find loads of useless information about the craft of Smithing on PernMUSH. PernMUSH is a Multi User Shared Hallucination which has a webpage located at The MUSH itself is located (via a telnet program) at port:4201.

This page has loads of useless information about the craft, including a description of the various subcrafts. More links are sure to come soon.

The Main SmithCraft Hall is located to the north of Telgar Hold, along the banks of the Telgar river. According to Anne, this location was picked by Tarvi Andiyar because of the plentiful ores in the surrounding mountains, as well the benefits of the river. Waterwheels that were designed thousands of Turns ago along the river to power the craft are a prime source of energy today. Also, the river makes it easy to transport goods to the Hold, and from there across Pern.

The SmithHall is technically beholden to Telgar Weyr. Now after a messy ordeal, Benden Weyr became Telgar, so none of the Telgar Holds (main or south) are PC yet (if ever), but we do discuss them and pretend they really exist. Feel free to use them as background. There are NPC's who are from there and are used often enough.

The SmithCraft is one of the most progressive and varied crafts on Pern, with skills ranging from those of a farrier and blacksmith to mechanical and civil engineers, as well as glasscrafters, weaponsmiths, metalworkers, chemists, and architects. But don't worry if this sounds technical, even non-coding type people can be a Smith. There is always a need for people with imagination that can create vivid descriptions of what the coders make, and of course, support staff.

Every Smith has a subcraft that describes what they do. Because people have asked, I guess maybe I need to clear up some fuss with Subcrafts. This is Ethelwyn's personal perspective on how the breakdown of Subcrafting goes. Basically it's 'App's start, Journeymen specialize, Masters perfect.' There is more information about subcrafting and what it entails availiable.

Outside of the standard apprentices, there are residents, fosterlings, cotholders, cooks, laundry workers, stewards, headwomen and ... well, honorary riders. The Smiths are looking for cooks, stewards and NON-apprentices to help build up their ranks. If you think you can deal with Smith Apprentices running around dying linen, painting masters, and using every fork, knife and spoon for their latest project, then by all means! Come and join our merry family.
