The Players: A Summary
Ender.......................................Jake Lloyd (front runner; confirmed), Haley Joel Osment (second in line; people's choice)
Mazar Rachman.........................Will Smith (rumored), Sean Connery (wild hope and speculation)
Graff........................ ............... Tom Berenger (rumored),
Major Anderson*....................... Rosey O'Donnell (rumored), Janeane Garofalo (rumored), Angeline Jolie (??)
* On the assumption, this character is changed from the book as mentioned in an interview.
The Players: The Heavy
Ender: Word has it from Fresco that Lloyd has the part simply by being one of the few children these days with any name recognition. While his acting abilities remain in dispute, his current attachment to the part is generating the buzz needed to get this film rolling. Lately, Haley Joel Osment, the child actor from "The Sixth Sense" and "Forrest Gump" is quickly establishing himself as a dramatic and excellent actor. This 11 year-old looks like Ender and had becomes the people's choice for Ender. Sadly, this grass roots effort might be too late.
Mazar Rackham: Card metioned in a interview (found at his official site) that he wanted "somebody like Will Smith" to play the part of Mazar. I have a feeling Card said this right after seeing ID4 so I doubt that Smith will happen. Obviously, Sean Connery is the only person that can play this part. Connery = wise, cocky, and oh, so dammed screen savvy. When I read "Rising Sun," I knew that Conner could only be played by Connery. A friend of mine once asked me: "Can you think of anyone else who could say, ‘Since when do you have to tell the enemy that he has won?’". From that day on, I knew that Sean was the only one.
Graff: I get e-mail and I surf the internet. Media buzz and Fresco's bulletin boards suggest Tom is thinking about signing for this part. Haven't seen him around for a while, so that's good.
Major Anderson: Card metioned in the movie update (found at his official site) that he wanted a woman to play the part of Anderson. This is interesting because in an old interview from 1997, Card hinted that Graff would be a woman and Card would like a comedian to play the part. This is no longer true. But will Anderson's character now handle all of Graff's old responsiblities? Maybe, Card has to get a woman in the story some how; got to hit that female quota. I can handle the Major being a woman, but Anderson is not Rosey and not Garofalo. If a woman has to play this part, let someone icy with a wicked smile do it: Angeline Jolie. While I don’t think she is perfect, I really can’t think of any other lady that seems better. For some reason, Jolie's performance in "Hackers" leads me to believe that she knows what she is doing.
?????: Hey Card, try to get Edward Norton and James Wood into this! Thanks.