The Dunkard Brethren had a church in a log building on the corner across from Rev. Elmer's house and near the house once occupied by Ray Berberich. On the same site Laura Gibbons grew many beautiful flowers when she was able to work in her garden. The Dunkards held their Church services about all day. They had no regular Minister. Some of their members were: John Short, John Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Sion Davis, Asa Stuck. Baptism was a very serious ceremony and they insisted on putting the person to be Baptized down face foreword. They tell us that John Fink was Baptized when it was the dead of winter and a hole had to be cut in the ice in the River. When he came up out of the water, he exclaimed in words not fit to be repeated on such occasion and added, "I saw a mink".
When the Dunkards sold their Church building, it was bought by WM. Mitchell as a Harness and Shoe Shop.
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