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Welcome to Castle Doom

. . . kind of

This page was last updated July 21, 2007
Current Date: Friday, March 28, 2025

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Welcome to Castle Doom, the home of the most infamous villians in the Denubian Galaxy, and the universe for that matter. Surely you've heard of King Zarkon, Witch Haggar, and Prince Lotor, or perhaps Cossack or Yurak? No? Well, you've come to the right place in either case! This is Doom Castle Control, where all castle operations are overseen. As for me, my name is Jessica, but you can call me Jessie. I'm in charge of Castle Control, to Cossack's great dismay, and I'll also be your guide throughout the castle.

While the legendary robot Voltron and Planet Arus' beautiful landscapes tend to draw more tourists, Doom does get the occasional traveler, but they are few and far between. Voltron being the goody-goody that he is, everyone has to see him. Bah! . . . But you can't find Robeast battles and unsettled terrain on Arus. Not to mention the experience of being in the midst of General Cossack and Witch Haggar. Oh, but there's so much to see here on Doom! Take your time and enjoy, but do be careful around the royals. Whispers behind a hand after making sure the coast is clear. They tend to deal with aggrivation by throwing someone into the Pit of Skulls . . . Ask anyone here. They'll tell you the same. Why, even the Prince himself has been in the Pit . . . but I digress. Quickly motions you onward. Have fun exploring the Castle, and if you get lost, simply ask for directions!

New Stuff?

Yay! I actually have a new story posted! It has absolutely nothing to do with Dancing on Dark Water, but is instead my attempt at a songfic (which I've never tried before). The link: Songfic: I Would Die for You

Head to What's New for more information.

As always, I'm open to taking any stories, poems, or art, if you don't happen to have a place of your own to put them. A couple of my sections are really in need of items. :) That means you slaves need to get to work and send us some!

Send any stories/art/what have you to:

If you have a webpage that gives the badguys a little respect ( any of them ) then the Anti-Heroes of Voltron Webring is the ring for you. Okay, slightly cheezy advertisement there, but I'd love for anyone out there that has a site like mine to join.

If anyone has any trouble joining the new group, please let me know:

Okay, and now I want to give a big thanks to a couple of my good friends and fellow Voltron fans ( and Doomies ): Cherie and Tam. They've pretty much cheered me on, and they've given me some great ideas too! Also, thanks go out to all those on the mailing lists who have helped in various ways, least of all brightening my day. Thanks you guys!

The Characters - Partially Open Lotor's Obsession
AntiHeroes of Voltron Webring Webrings
What's New The Library
Links!Robeast Hall of Shame

Please, Please, sign my Guestbook!

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For certain pictures featured here on my page.
Tamy- Who helped me edit a couple of stories and for encouragement and just for being an awesome writer.
Cherie- For giving me the idea of starting a fan fic of my own and for lots of encouragement.
The Voltron Mailing Lists I Belong to- Heck! Everybody on the lists have helped by either giving ideas, suggestions, encouragement, or all three. So thanks to all you guys on DT and VBETA! And newly, PL & CK!
And finally, not to mention the most important of all, World Event Productions- for encouraging the fans and bringing us Voltron in the first place!

All Voltron characters, themes, places, and names, belong to World Event Productions.
All other characters, names, themes, and so on, belong to me and cannot be used without my permission. Thank you.

This page supports the "Keep Lotor Good Looking Society"

Join the Lotor Fanlist Join the Princess Allura Fanlist

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