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This page was last updated December 28, 2003

If you have a site that has at least a somewhat good outlook on the Doomites, or any other villian of Voltron for that matter, I would hope you would join the ring. We fellow evil-doers have to stick together, you know. Heh.

Webring manager,

Here's the code you are to use:

<!--Remember to upload the image(s) provided to your own server--><center><a href=""><img src=""></a></center><br><center><font size="4"><font color="darkred">The Anti-Heroes of Voltron Webring <br></font></font size> [ <a href="">Join Now</a> | <a href="">Ring Hub</a> | <a href="">Random</a> ]
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Here's what it should look like:

The Anti-Heroes of Voltron Webring
[ Join Now | Ring Hub | Random ]
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-Remember to insert your own information where indicated.-

Images for use:

Email: Castle Control