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TWH & SSH WebRing HTML Text Only Code

After submission, your site will be reviewed by the ringmanager. All applicants must have one of the approved codes (HTML or SSNB) displayed on the URL you submitted.
If you do not wish to use the SSNB for any reason, then use the HTML fragment below. It will look like this on your page...

TWH & SSH WebRing
| Previous | Next | Random | List All |

Cut & Paste the code below on the page URL you submitted

<!--begin TWH & SSH WebRing code--> <p align="center"><font size="3"> <a href="" target="_top"> <b>TWH & SSH WebRing</b></a></font><br><font size="2">| <a href=";id=ID NUMBER HERE;prev" target="_top">Previous</a> | <a href=";id=ID NUMBER HERE;next" target="_top">Next</a> | <a href=";random" target="_top">Random</a> | <a href=";list" target="_top">List All</a> |</font></p> <!--end TWH & SSH WebRing code-->
How to "Cut & Paste"

Hold your left mouse key down across the body of the code above to highlight it. Then release the key - click "edit" on your browser's toolbar and select "copy." Place mouse pointer at the insertion point of your document, (where you want the code to go) and click. Then go back to "edit" on your browser's toolbar and click "paste." The "cut & paste" moves the entire code at once. Still having problems with cut & paste? Try clicking here.

IMPORTANT NOTE:   You must add your own personal ID NUMBER where it says "ID NUMBER HERE". After you submit your site you will be given an ID NUMBER. In order for the HTML code above to work on your site, you will need to add your number in 2 places. For example: The TWH & SSH Ring homepage ID NUMBER is 1, so our code looks like this:

<a href=";id=1;prev" target="_top">Previous</a> | <a href=";id=1;next" target="_top"> Next</a> |

Please note: If you choose to use the SSNB code instead of the HTML code above, then it will NOT be necessary to add your ID NUMBER to it. If you choose to use the HTML code above then you MUST add your ID number in the 2 places or it will not work.

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