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Effective Ways To Relax

Effective Ways to Relax
by Frank Grazian

Most spiritual leaders agree that the key to relaxation centers on being aware of the present moment -- being mindful of what you are doing right now.

As an example, if you are eating something you enjoy, are you actually savoring it? Are you aware of its taste, texture, and other pleasant qualities as you partake of it -- or are you engrossed in thinking about the chores you have to do tonight or that business deal set for tomorrow?

As you’re taking a shower, are you relishing the water cascading over your head and body, washing away your tensions -- or are you ruminating about an argument you had last night or a luncheon engagement for today?

Unfortunately, many of us in this increasingly fast-paced world fail to "feel" the present moment. We let our minds interrupt us with a barrage of thoughts, anticipations and concerns -- and we never enjoy the moment we should be experiencing.

I can hear some of you saying now, "But I’ve got things to do. How can I waste time savoring a piece of fruit or bread and forget about my commitments? I’ll never get anything done."

Frankly, I’m that way too. But to decrease my anxiety and to lower my blood pressure a bit, I must find time throughout the day to center myself and to learn how to savor a few moments.

Here are some techniques I find helpful. Start by picking out one, sit back, and soon you’ll find yourself in the present moment with what the Buddhists call "mindfulness" -- being still, concentrated and peaceful.

* Feel Your Breath.
This technique is from Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn’s book, Wherever You Go, There You Are. Here’s how it works:

Just feel your breath as it goes in and out. Don't force a breath or even try to breathe. Just observe your breath.

You're not trying to make anything happen. You're not trying to breathe deeply or make yourself breathe. You're just paying attention to your breath. If your mind wanders, just return to your breath. Be aware of it as it goes in and out. Feel it go in and out.

Do it frequently throughout the day. Let it become a habit.

* Center Yourself
This technique is my favorite; I get a spiritual feeling whenever I practice it. It’s featured in Dr. Gerald Kushel’s book, Centering: Six Steps to Inner Liberation.

When you’re alone and feeling tense or uneasy, close your eyes and ask yourself these three questions:

1. Where am I? (Always answer, "Here.")

2. What time is it? (Always answer, "Now.")

3. Who is that person I’m here with? (Always answer, "Me.")

The answers to these questions will eventually center you. They will reassure you that nothing really changes; that things are stable. You are always "here," the time is always "now," and you are always here with yourself ("me").

It will be the same today … tomorrow … a week from now … a month from now ... a year from now … a decade from now.

This exercise will help you live in the present moment, which is the only moment you have.

Although this technique takes more practice than the others, the more often you use it, the better it works. After a while, it relaxes you instantly.

* De-Stress Yourself Instantly
Here’s an excellent technique from an article by Tom Kenyon in The Monthly Aspectarian:

Close your eyes and recall a feeling of love, appreciation, or any other positive feeling you can remember. As you do this, mentally focus on the region of your heart and hold it for a few seconds.

Do this every time you need to take a "coherent emotion break." It will "enrich your life directly."

Research studies show that this technique will "increase well-being and establish a balance within your autonomic nervous system." The enhanced balance, between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, was verified by researchers at Stanford University using electrocardiogram analysis, according to Kenyon.

* Play With Children and Animals Watch very young children play and notice how they stay in the present moment, enjoying every second of it. Why not become a child yourself for a few moments and play with them. Chase after them or get on the floor with them and engage in their activities. Do the same with animals.
