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Aka Mother Goddess {Turkey} Also Akka, Ekki
Akka See Aka
Ala Nur "Red Light" Heroine and Ancestral Mother of Western Turkey.
Ararat World Creator goddess, embodied in a mountain in Armenia (modern day).
Armaiti Androgynous Divinity meaning "Devotion". Goddess of reproduction and frutification, ruling both spiritual and physical manifestations of these qulaities. One of the 3 feminine aspects within the 7 aspects of Ahura Mazda. The other 2 are Haurvatat and Ameretat. {Zoroastrianism}
Cybele Goddess of Madness, Earth, and Nature, dwelling in the mountains. Her image is that of a mature full-breasted woman crowned in corn and keys, dressed in a robe that was made of all the flower colors of the earth. Originating in Phrygia, Northern Anatolia (modern Turkey) and passed through the Mediterranean and into Rome. Also Kubele. Story
Ekki See Aka
Jeh First Woman, "Queen of all whores. Said to have arrived at creation with the Devil and lain with him. {Indo-Iranian}
Kubele Goddess of Madness, Earth, and Nature, dwelling in the mountains. Her image is that of a mature full-breasted woman crowned in corn and keys, dressed in a robe that was made of all the flower colors of the earth. Originating in Phrygia, Northern Anatolia (modern Turkey) and passed through the Mediterranean and into Rome.
Kubaba See Kupapa
Kubabat See Kupapa
Kupapa Mountain Mother, from whom Cybele derives her name {Hattian}
Myrrha Symbolic Princess who mated with her own father to conceive a child that the mother goddess would love. This is an allegorical tale represented by the Myrrh tree whose blossoms are fertilized by the nearby kindred trees. Story

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DemonIce Goddess