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Midwest C/L contests 98
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Click here for some good carier pictures
National Control line Racing Association
A very nice picture of a Streak

This part of my page is didicated to control-line flying, from .049 on up. If you know a good control line link, send it via e-mail I fly .049'S on up. I have a SIG BANCHEE with a FOX .35 it's my favorite plane. also A Ringmaster with a very rare FOX .36xbb its really fast. At our club we have many control-liners. 049's of mine: 2 SIG Skyrays,Dewybird,Carl Goldberg Jumpin bean with built up wing and a home made plane I
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call the Chaoes. many pictures to come!!!!!

Coming soon;AMA control-line contest and updates.Reveiw on jumpin Bean

I have started on more control line progects!! If you have any questions or pictures of your control liners than send them via email.

If you have a home built control liner, than email me some information and a picture of it and ill put it on here under other modelers progects."Other modelers progects" is going to be a new feature on this page, so the rest of us control line modelers can see what other control line flyers are doing!! This is just another thing that can help control line going!

If you are interested in learning and starting to fly control line I would recommend flying .049 flying planes. Click here for my how to get started in Control line page.
