This is YOUR HHS Class of 1969
Alumni Website

JULY 11, 2009
Hello to everyone. Hope all of you are having a great year. Plans are underway for the 40th reunion. Yes, you read right - the BIG FOUR O. Be sure to visit our NEW and IMPrOVED web site. The link is on the left. If you have not received an email from the committee,
please take time to email them at
We need your email addresses!!!!!
Here is the schedule of events as of today:
Friday, October 2:
7:30pm-10:30pm Hayride and Bonfire at Hammer's Farm (15310 Old Halls Ferry Rd); BYOB
Saturday, October 3:
11:30am Lunch at Steak 'n Shake (1955 N. Hwy 67; Florrisant at Lindbergh & New Florissant Rd.)
1:00pm Home football game Central vs. McCluer and following the game a tour of the high school
7:30pm-11:00pm (the big event) 40th Reunion Party at JFK Community Center (315 Howdershell Road; Florissant, MO); Cost is $30 per person
Sunday, October 4:
Noon - 3:00pm TBD
Dress attire: Casual, jeans for all events!
If you are coming to the reunion the cost for Saturday night is $30 per person, make your check payable to HHS Class of 1969 and send your check to:
Marsha Harris
1255 Somerset Field Dr.
Chesterfield, MO 63005
Please mail your check the sooner the better to help us fund this event
please no later than September 1, 2009!