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Julia's Scrapbook Corner
My love for scrapbooking began more as a need than a want. Years of family photos had been tucked away in drawers and some were unfortunate enough to make it into those "yucky" magnetic albums. Looking for some way to bring this mess under control, a dear friend suggested I attend a scrapbook class. The class revolutionized the way I view my family photos. They have become precious treasures in beautifully decorated and documented albums. Truly priceless!

I consider it a privilege to share my knowledge of creating safe and meaningful scrapbook albums by teaching classes and now through this web page. Here you'll find help for beginners, some of my favorite links, and resources for consultants.

Getting Started
Getting Started

1) It is very helpful to take a class that teaches the basic journaling, cropping and decorating techniques.

2) Gather all your supplies and photos into one location.

3) Sort your photos into chronological order. I know this may seem like an impossible task, but it really makes your albums go together faster. You can also divide your photos to make separate albums. For example, my current goal is to complete a family album and one for each of my three children. Don't bother keeping unflattering our out-of-focus pictures. I personally don't care to be immortalized looking like a deer caught in the headlights!!

4) If you feel overwhelmed by a huge backlog of pictures, then start with your most current photos and keep caught up on those. At least, you won't be getting further behind. Or, if you're like me and had photos in unsafe albums, you might start transferring those first. Then once your an experienced scrapbooker, you'll be ready to face that backlog.

5) There are a lot of great scrapbooking techniques, and it can be very tempting to want every gadget on the market, but start simple. All you really need to get started are these photo-safe products: an album, adhesive (tape runner, photo splits, or photo tape), pens, some decorative paper and a few stickers. If you want to buy a new tool, like scissors or punches, then borrow it from a friend or consultant first to see if it's something you'll really use. Three of my favorite tools are the personal trimmer, circle cutter and corner rounder. Actually, I now consider them necessities. The general rule of thumb is simple pages = complete albums.

Favorite Links
I wanted to share some of my favorite scrapbook links. So, just browse to your hearts content, and please take a few seconds to bookmark this site so you can return again!

    Check these great layouts from some of my cyber-friends!

    "Online Memory Magazine" has lots of resources and helpful hints.

    THE online scrapbook headquarters. TONS of layouts, message
    boards and a chat room for scrapbookers...great way to make new friends!!!

    Another great place for novice to veteran scrapbookers.

    See the whole line of Mrs. Grossman's stickers,
    plus some really cool ideas on how to dress up your pages!

Consultant Resources
As a scrapbook consultant, I have found many helpful resources via the internet. If you know of or have a site that offers ideas and support for scrapbook consultant's, please feel let me know. I'll check out the site and may add it to my list!