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Huna Practitioner Certification Training
October 2010

Enrollment Form
Register Now!     
When: October 17-23, 2010

Where: Rose Bed Inn   in Cape Girardeau, Missouri

See: Program Information

$2450 per person

"Early-Bird Special" ... for the FIRST  10 people  to Register  NOW ...
... YOU can attend this $2450 week-long training seminar for only $1197!     ← "First-Come-First-Served"

We are limiting attendance to 49 people, and it IS going to fill-up very quickly.

You may send-in your $500-per-person deposit and reserve your place at this historic, life-changing event and "lock-in" this special "early-bird" discount price HERE today.


My Payment Preference:

(__) Pay In Full Now - Add to cart
(__) Deposit - Add to cart

(__) YES, sign-me-up for this Huna Practitioner Certification October 17-23 in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. I want to take advantage of this SPECIAL DISCOUNT RATE of only $1197 ... available NOW ... FIRST 10 people to sign-up only! [reg. $2450]
This offer will "disappear" when these places are gone!

(__) YES, please accept my deposit of $500-per-person.*
      I understand my deposit guarantees my place for the Huna Practitioner Certification Training this October 17-23 in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and "locks-in" my SPECIAL DISCOUNT RATE of only $1197 if paid-in-full on or before October 11, 2010.

(__) Name and address appears below. I understand my Fees are Tax-Deductible in the US.

(__) ADDITIONAL Registrant Attending Together:

I want to register an additional key person, partner, or spouse to attend for an additional fee of HALF my registration fee above.
Name: _____________________________________

Total Fees: ________

Make checks payable to "Huna Research, Inc."

Mail to: Huna Research, Inc.
126 Camellia Dr.
Cape Girardeau, MO 63703 USA

CC#_________________________________________________________ - Click HERE to Register on-line NOW!
Exp: _______ Signature: _________________________________________
Name: _______________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
City: ____________________________ ST: _______ ZIP ______________
Country: _______________________ Phone: ________________________

Call us at 1-573-334-3478 to Register
by telephone with your Credit Card in-hand.

(*Deposit not subject to refund after October 5th. Re-sale strictly prohibited.)