Oldham Athletic AFC Chat Room

The Oldham Athletic AFC Chat Room is available twenty-four hours a day with the sole purpose of uniting Latics fans worldwide. Please be patient and wait for the page to download. This is a joint venture of the following Latics sites and will be on-line at the times indicated. After chatting you can use the links to return to the page where you entered. All times stated are English time.

Jon OAFC Jon will be chatting from 8:00pm. every Monday

BTB/OASIA e-zine Carl will be chatting from 7:30pm. every Wednesday

Latics Supporters Club, Canada Dave will be chatting from 7:00am. every Friday.

Should you wish to pre-arrange a chat at any other time please e-mail one of the above who will do their best to accommodate your request.

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You might want to visit the Oldham Athletic AFC Message Board while you are here.