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Lissa's Healthy Recipes


Lissa has been on the "Fit For Life" Diet. In 3 months she has lost 30 pounds. Here are some great recipes to help her get through. (she intends to make this a healthy life style change for the rest of her life). As she makes up great recipes she will share them with you! Be on the watch out for Thanksgiving recipes!!

Angel Hair Pasta in Fresh Uncooked Tomato Sauce MMMMM


5 or 6 ripe tomatoes 1 tsp salt or more to taste.
1 bell pepper
1 green onion


1 box angel hair pasta (I use rice pasta or corn, but any whole grain pasta will do.)(boil in water)
2/3 cups raw butter
1 clove of garlic minced
1/2 cup chopped mushrooms
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp basil
1/2 tsp marjoram
1/2 tsp oregano
1 tsp parsley
1/4 tsp black pepper
2 zucchini cubed

Bring the butter, garlic, herbs and mushrooms to a simmer. Add cubed zucchini simmer for one minute. set aside. Make the tomato sauce by processing tomatoes until lumpy but saucy. Process the bell pepper and the onion until chopped fine. Mix the tomato and bell pepper mixtures together. When the Pasta is done add the butter and herb mixture. Serve on a plate and add sauce let it mix with the hot noodles to make the sauce warm. Serves 4 (This is outstanding!!!!) Serve with garlic sprouted wheat toast.

Sprouted Wheat Garlic Toast

Ezekial Bread or other sprouted wheat or grain bread can be purchased from the health food store.

Put the bread on a cookie sheet.
Spread real butter on the upside of each piece.
Sprinkle garlic salt sparingly on each slice.
Sprinkle parsley, and Paprika over each slice.
Put under the broiler of your oven until golden brown.

Lissa's Meatless filled Zucchini or Bell Pepper Surprise

Get overlarge zucchini or however many single bell peppers you need.(very largest ones). I don't think you can purchase these in the store. But they are plentiful in most gardens! Cut these in half vertically and horizontally. Scoop out the inside soft part that contains the seeds, and discard You will end up with four large hollow quarters.

Surprise filling:
1 cup cashews
1 cup chopped fresh mushrooms
1 cup chopped canned black olives
1/2 cup bell pepper 1 fresh minced garlic bulb
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp basil
1/2 tsp marjoram
1/2 tsp oregano
1 tsp parsley
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
2 T. extra virgin olive oil

Process all of the above ingredients in a processor until minced and meat like. Stuff each zucchini or bell pepper with the ingredients. Grate tofu American cheese over the top. (can be found in Health food store) Bake in oven for about 30-45 min. or until Zucchini is soft. (mmmmm very tasty!)

Lissa's Very Best Guacamole Salsa

1 garlic bulb minced
2 tomatoes
2 green onions
1 handful cilantro
Juice of 1/2 lime
1/2 green bell pepper
1/2 red bell pepper
1/2 jalapeno pepper
1/2 cucumber
1 tsp lemon pepper
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp cumin
3 spinach leaves(optional)
3 ripe avocados

Process these ingredients in a salsa maker or a processor until fine chunky. Serve with baked or regular tortilla chips (unsalted), or serve over a salad for a great dressing!


Same recipe as the above guacamole without the avocado!! This makes a great salad dressing also!!!

Stir Fry Over Brown Rice or Baked Potato

slice thin:
In wok add 3 tablespoons olive oil. When very hot add:
Onions, green onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, snow peas, cabbage, carrots, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, baby bok choy, or any combination of the fresh veggies you have. Cook and turn vegetables in olive oil until tender but not soggy. You want your vegetables still slightly crisp. When starting to get tender but still crisp, pour about 4 tablespoons light soy sauce over vegetables with 3 T. cold water. lower heat to a simmer. Steam veggies for 2 min. remove from heat. Serve over brown rice (follow directions on pkg.) or baked potato. You can add raw sesame seeds or cashews if you do not use the rice or potato. and eat alone. (this is a main staple around our house, every one loves this dish) Kid and teenage tested and kid and teenage approved!!

Great Pinto Bean Soup

1 bag of pinto beans
2 garlic cloves
sea salt (to taste)
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp cumin powder
1 onion
2 bell or ortega chili peppers (mild)chopped
1 whole hot pepper to boil for 10 minutes than remove
fresh or dried cilantro chopped(1/4 cup fresh)
baking soda 2 TBLSP

Soak pinto beans over night. Remove water & pour new water on them. Put the baking soda into the water and bring to a boil. Watch carefully because this will creat alot of greenish foam and bubbles. (This will help rid the beans of their gas causing elements) Then pour off the water. And put fresh water and all other ingredients in. Bring to a boil for ten minutes. Take out the hot pepper. continue on low heat for the rest of the day. Slow cooking the beans gives them a great texture. At dinner time, add more salt to taste and mash the beans with a good potato masher. This will create a thickness for your soup. Eat a raw vegetable salad with the soup. And if you must corn tortillas go well with this dish also.

Lissa's Spice soup

First, lightly brown some hot peppers in oil. (The little dried red peppers, often used in oriental cooking.) Be careful not to them too long, or the soup will be really spicy. After they're browned, take them out. Be sure to get all the seeds, too. I like to break up the peppers and put them in a vertical handled strainer and then lower them into the hot oil. Then after they brown it is easier to remove. Use the oil only.

Cut into bite size pieces and saute in the oil
2 onions,
a small box of mushrooms
after these are sauteed, add the following
5 already cooked potatoes(use this broth for some of the water after you boil your potatoes.
3 carrots
several celery stalks
2 small zucchini
1 pkg frozen or canned corn
1/2 head of cabbage
3 red bell peppers & 1 green bell pepper
1 can vegetable broth, or chicken broth
dry or fresh cilantro crushed
dry cumin powder
Fill the pot with water, bring to a boil, cover and let simmer 1/2-1 hour or until the vegetables are crunchy tender.

Enjoy with the sprouted garlic toast recipe above, or hot corn tortillas, soft or hard. Very delicious!