We boarded our boat, The Searcher, in San Diego and sailed all night to Ensenada where we had to clear customs. We then sailed to Isla Todos Santos which we cruised around to see the wildlife along the shores. The rest of the day was spent crusing to our next destination, Islas San Benito.
We came ashore and hiked to the lighthouse where we ate our packed lunch. Along the way we saw a kazillion elephant seals and many osprey on their huge nests. One nest was so close, Dave and I climbed right up to it to look inside. Luckily no one was home and all we saw was some feathers and a good look at everything they use to build the nests.
The next two days were spent in the most fantastic place in the world, San Ignacio Lagoon. If you haven't read my previous travelogue on Baja, this is the place where the Grey Whales give birth and, for some reason, many become what is know as "friendlies" and bring their babies to visit the skiffs. We were a little disappointed by the number of visitors (guess we were spoiled by our last trip) and had only two good encounters. However, there was a lot of activity such as breaching, spyhopping, etc. which also is very exciting. The second afternoon we went into the mangrove and took a walk along a beautiful beach which was full of shells in pristine condition.
We sadly left magical San Ignacio for Magdalena Bay, another place known for friendly encounters. The whale gods were not with us this day and all we saw was a bunch of whale flukes - they wanted nothing to do with us. We visited a magnificent beach with sand dunes and went to another mangrove.
We have now sailed down the Pacific around Cabo San Lucas into the Sea of Cortez, probably the best place in the world for whale watching. Along the way we had some Common Dolphins riding our bow wave, saw some Blue and Fin Whales and came to the Gorda Banks where we'd have the best chance to see Humpbacks (my favorite whale). Again, the whale gods didn't smile on us and, although we saw some humpbacks, they weren't very exciting.
We were awakened around 5:00 to see the spectacular sunrise over the beautiful red sandstone cliffs of Punto Colorado on Isla San Jose. I wish my photographics could do justice to this beautiful place. Dave and I walked as far as we could in an arroyo, just enjoying the scenery and the opportunity to enjoy the solitude of being there with just each other.
We thought "what could be better than this" when there was an announcement that we had some Blue Whales around the boat. Little did we know what we would see - three or four Blue Whales lunge feeding!!! Captain was yelling, we were screaming - what a thrill!!! These huge creatures which are over 90 feet long, the largest animal ever to have enhabited the earth, were gorging themselves on krill (a shrimplike crustacean about one inch long). They have throat pleats which expand to seven times their girth which they fill with water and krill. They then use their tongues to push the water out through their baleen which act as a sieve, leaving only the krill. It was a chance in a lifetime encounter and one I'll never forget!!!
If that weren't enough, we came upon a head of Bottlenose Dolphin which were leaping behind our boat. What a day. . . .
From here we visited Isla Santa Catalina which is known for their wavy barrel cactus. We took another walk in an arroyo with another couple we met on board.
We were unable to anchor at our next scheduled destination so went to Isla Espiritu Santu, someplace I've never been previously. Took a walk along some cliffs and then headed to our final stop, Los Islotes where you are able to swim with the sea lions. We decided not to take our snorkel stuff, since we'd been here twice before so we enjoyed sailing around this small island and watching the antics of these wonderful animals.
From here we sailed to Cabo San Lucas and our flight home. Hopefully, this won't be our last trip to Baja - one of the favorite places we've ever been.