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Abraham Bull

  • Father : James Bull
  • Mother : Mary Bond
  • Birth date :
  • Born at :
  • Baptized : June 14 or 28 1795-Broughton-Gifford Parish Church, Wiltshire County, England
  • Baptized : 1830-Broughton-Gifford Baptist Church, Wiltshire County, England
  • Married : Sarah Mortimer
  • Marriage date : April 14, 1823
  • Married at : Broughton-Gifford Parish Church, Wiltshire County, England
  • Death date : September 15, 1878
  • Buried at : Broughton-Gifford Baptist Church, Wiltshire County, England
  • Children :
    Sarah Bull
    John (Bull) Mortimer
    James W. (Bull) Mortimer
    Samuel (Bull) Mortimer
    Elizabeth Bull
    Ruth Bull
    Abraham Bull
    Jacob Bull


    Baptized First-Broughton-Gifford Parish Church Records (from Tony McCabe).
    Baptized Second-Broughton-Gifford Baptist Chapel Records (from Tony McCabe).
    Marriage-Broughton-Gifford Baptist Chapel Records (from Tony McCabe).
    Death-Broughton-Gifford Baptist Chapel Records (from Tony McCabe).
    Buried-Broughton-Gifford Baptist Chapel Records (from Tony McCabe).
    Other-James's marriage certificate; Samuel's death certificate; Sarah death certificate; John's letter; Mandy, Duncan & Michelle's website St. Mary the Virgin, Broughton Gifford, Wiltshire and Map of Broughton Gifford, Wiltshire, England.

    My Links

    Allies Home Page.
    Allies Surnames.
    Bond first names.
    Bull first names.
    Flynn Home Page.
    Mortimer Home Page.
    Mortimer first names A-J.
    Mortimer first names K-Y.
    Bull/Mortimer Family Outline.
    Osborn Home Page.
    Stanley and Shore Home Page.