The view from Camp Moss

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Welcome to Camp Moss! There are tons of things to do here! Camp Moss was founded by Skather Red Squirrel and is still maintained by him. Any woodlander can join. They should know a little about the Redwall series though. Please take the time to visit all of our pages. There is tons of Info all over them! Camp Moss is located right outside of Redwall Abbey. Just follow the road and into the forest! There is a gentle river nearby where we go fishing for crabs, crayfish and shrimp. Otters love to play in it also. So, where do you wanna go?
Go here and try out a quiz, some trivia and even a poll! Maintained by Waterwave
Go here and read the very important announcements! If you have an announcement to make, say it here!
Go to our new wall where you can leave a message and chat!
Go here to see our Message Board. You can just post a friendly message or roleplay in missions!
Go here and join in on our Pass Along Story! Made and maintained by Stonehead McGurney
Go here and join! Anyone can! You can also sign up for the newsletter here and add to the page
Go here and submit a poem to the poem of the month contest or read past winners!
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