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undefined WeLcOmE tO NeSsA's PaGe

A True Friend is like a four leaf clover
~ Hard to find and Lucky to Keep ~

To miss one individual is not fair, for you all have been a big part of my life one way or another. I will not list all your names because of I may leave someone out(and get yelled at later) you should all know in your hearts who you are. You all have brought so many memories whether it be good, bad, happy, or sad. I am happy to take those memories and learn from it. Even if so many miles or oceans seperate I think of you often. So it doesn't matter if I've known you for many years, months, days, or hours, just remember that you are my friend and what we've shared during the time we've known eachother is a cherished memeory that will last until eternity! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for being who you are...because without you I wouldn't know the meaning of FRIENDSHIP........ALWAYS REMEMBER:

Visit these other sites....
Most of the stuff that you see or have seen on my page have come from other people. So I have given them credit by adding them to my links...please feel free to check their sites may find pretty neat stuff for your site too.
AdOraBle's PaGe
Cool Christmas Backgrounds
Nice stuff for your page
Wendy's Backgrounds
Dynamic Drive DHTML code library
Dave Pawson's Poetry
Ursie's Page
Kinx' Domain
Jeff and Therese Rapolla's Page
A Lil Paradise
Jes Kup
Hatsa Volleyball Site
My Online Journal

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This site owned by Monessa Tainatongo
