DragonHeart Webring
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The DragonHeart Webring!

If you have the Heart of the Dragon and a site that features things Medieval, dragons, fantasy or writing of any kind, then this webring is for you!
Simply fill out the form below and submit it.
You will recieve an e-mail with your password, ring id, further information and an HTML fragment which you *MUST* cut and paste to your page as soon as possible. As soon as I review your page you will be added.

Submit site to The DragonHeart Ring
Site Title:
Site URL:
Your Name:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

This is how it will look when added to your homepage.

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This DragonHeart Ring site is owned
Lord Tarian

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Then notify the ringmaster at: Dragonheart

Please copy the images to your site.
[To copy the images to your system right click on them with your mouse.]
Then upload them to your homepage website.

Email: Dragonheart