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No Ribs Ranch Homepage


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Appaloosa Horse Club

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord! Romans6:23.

Welcome to No Ribs Ranch!
We are located in beautiful Salem, Missouri, not too far from the rolling Current River! We are a small operation currently housing 5 horses. We don't keep a stallion, but rather breed outside so that we can spend more time riding and just enjoying our horses. We raise Appaloosa horses and an occasional Quarter horse. Our foals are imprinted at birth, if at all possible and are handled daily. We usually have a small number of quality foals available for sale every year. We trail ride and have attended the Emminence Cross Country Trail Ride. Occasionally, we show, but we own our horses to enjoy them!
Visit our Horses

Here's what Mesa thinks about what we've been up to! (Click on her to see).
English Shepherds
This is Brisco our English Shepherd and friend. He knows many tricks including:Speak, Sneeze, Whisper, Fetch, Kill, and various other generic tricks like sit, etc. He is one very smart boy.
Our Name?
Wondering about our name?-No Ribs Ranch? As you can see, we get our name because "WE DON'T KEEP NO SKINNY HORSES!"
Come back and see us again and don't forget to sign the guestbook!
Memories of the past year and past colts!
Please View and Sign My Guestbook
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