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The Ross Report

Jan. 15th, 1999

Eric Bischoff is said to be very upset with the way the WCW is going. He is getting a earfull from insiders who say the having Dean Malenko as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion is hurting the corperations ratings. Also, even though I feel Koko B Ware is a fresh face, Bischoff is getting heat for Koko's winning ways.

There have been some moves by Bischoff, like the signing of Sabu and Rob Van Dam from the ECW. It is said that Bischoff is trying to get a younger crowd and signing these two hardcore wrestlers should help a little.

Own Hart has taken over The Hart Foundation as Bret Hart has been seen again this week talking to Tony Halme. Is there going to be a marriage there with these two? Owen has done a good job as The Hart Foundation has three of the five WCW Titles. However, with Bret gone, can they reach the top title?

Is Van Dam and Sabu the tag team that Bischoff has been talking about? He says no, but is this just a ploy to keep the fans interested? I don't know and have not been able to find out anything on this.

Well, for The Ross Report, this has been Ross Foreman.

Jan. 11th, 1999

Monday Nitro exploded live on T.V. all over the world tonight as some of the greatest action in WCW history came to the surface. Three Titles changed hand and two super stars made carear moves to the surprise of the WCW fans.

After The Giant was DQed for Jimmy Hart's actions, the Giant choke slamed Jimmy in the middle of the ring. Meng and The Barbarian came out to help but were both met with a choke slam of their own. The Giant announced that he is leaving The Dungeon of Doom.

After earlier in the night being beat by Lex Luger, and losing his T.V. Title, Booker T came out of the back to help his brother Stevie Ray in a handi-cap match against The Faces of Fear, and the two pulled off the victory. Is the Harlem Heat back?

The biggest news came about due to Dean Malenko's big upset over Bret Hart to win the World Heavyweight Title. After the match, Bret Hart jumped his brother Owen Hart, the new Cruiserweight Champion, and the other Hart Foundation members only to get beat down by them until "The Finish Fist" Tony Halme came to help Bret. Is Bret Hart out of The Hart Foundation? it appears so.

So what direction will Bret Hart and The Giant go? What is Tony Halme doing helping the hated Bret Hart, and what kind of Champion will Dean Malenko make? Stay tuned for all the answers to come. This is Ross Foreman for The Ross Report.

Jan. 4th, 1999

Are parts of the Hart Foundation falling apart? There were signs of it at this weeks Thunder. Koko B Ware was very upset that none of the Foundation came to ringside to help him in his match with Dean Malenko. Koko was so upset that he loss focus on the match and Malenko was able to win the U.S. Title from him. Was this Bret Hart's doing?

A new tag team debuted on the card as Rough & Ready, made up of Mike Enos and Dick Slater won their first match and looked great. Is this the tag team that insiders have been talking about? People close to Eric Bischoff say no. Tony Halme, "The Finish Fist" also had his first match, and this man can bring it to the table! What a easy win he had over Stevie Ray. He could be a top performer in the WCW over the next couple years.

The Giant won his second match big, but Sting and Luger won also, and now with Malenko as U.S. Champion, who is Bischoff's choice to take on Bret Hart? These are all things we will have to follow. For the Ross Report, this is Ross Foreman. Goodnight.

Jan. 3rd, 1999

WCW's second Nitro held at the CoreStates Spectrum was a sold out afair! Fans came to see all the WCW Superstars. It was a great card with some big matchups. Eric Bischoff, trying to find a top contender to take on Bret Hart for the World Title had Lex Luger and Sting go at it, only to have the match tainted by Horseman, Larry Zbyszko. Zbyszko pulled down the top rope and got Sting DQed. So the search goes on. Bischoff might not need to look far as The Giant beat Zbyszko in their match with a massive choke slam. The Giant looked very good. Jimmy Hart is trying to lobby for his man for a shot at Bret Hart.

There is gossip inside the WCW that a MAJOR new tag team might be signed very soon. If this is true, it will help break up The Hart Foundation's strong hold on that division. Who will it be? Even I don't know, but insiders say it is a major team. Stay tuned for that.

Booker T looked great beating Rey Misterio Jr for the WCW Television Title. He has had some great matches, both single and tag team. There might be trouble coming however, as Stevie Ray is getting upset with Booker because of Booker's single matches. Now, with Booker T as the T.V. Champion, Booker will have to defend the title on every card. Will Stevie Ray wait for Booker?

On another note, Koko B Ware has been heard backstage talking about how he feels he could beat Bret Hart. Koko being the U.S. Champion, has the rights to fight for the World Title, but being in the Hart Foundation is stoping him. Will he wait for his turn, or maybe Bret will give his friend a shot before it is too late?

Well, stay tuned for more news to come. This has been Ross Foreman with the Ross Report.

Dec. 31st, 1998

On WCW Thursday Thunder, the last two WCW Titles were decided in 8 man tournaments. Little Rey Misterio Jr picked up the Television Title as Koko B. Ware came out of nowhere to beat the other surprise, Booker T to win the United States Title. Upsets? Yes, I would say so.

In other news, there is talk of the Hart Foundation picking a manager real soon. They would like for Bret and Owens Dad, Stu Hart to do it, but with his age and health, this might not happen. This news comes after Bret has recieved great presure from the WCW Head Office and fans alike who want to see Bret Hart and Lex Luger go at it again. Paul Orndorff is another name that has been floating around.

The Disco Inferno and Alex Wright both just inked a deal that will bring them to the WCW. Both have been booed out of other promotions, but the WCW hope to boost their carears.

Well, this has been Ross Foreman with "The Ross Report." I'll see you after Monday Nitro.

Disco Inferno dances into the WCW.

Dec. 30th, 1998

Well, the first WCW Monday Nitro was run on the 30th of this month and three titles were decided. It was a fantastic card full of great matches. Here are some highlights.
Dean Malenko, a heavy underdog, came out of nowhere to win the WCW World Cruiserweight Title. His win over Rey Misterio Jr, then over Billy Kidman were pure works of art. He was able to out last the two in two fantastic matches.

The WCW World Tag Team Belts are now owned by a surprising team of Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart, "The New Foundation." Not one fan thought they would have a chance at beating the Steiner Brothers, but they did in quick fasion. Though not fan favorites, "The New Foundation" got some cheers for the way they worked together.

The hated Bret Hart went into a four corners match with three other superstars, Ric Flair, Sting and Lex Luger. Though Bret Hart was booed for most of the match that lasted over one hour, he was able to get by Lex Luger at the end and win the WCW World Heavyweight Title. After the match, I caught up with Bret in the locker room and he had this to say.

"What did you expect? I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be, you know that Ross. I'll give Lex Luger alot of credit. He was able to stick close to me till the end. I'll admit I am spent. It was one of the hardest matches I have ever had. Even though those fans out there don't like me, I'm glad to be in the WCW for it's start. I'm also glad to hold this strap as the first WCW Champion. As for the fans........well, get used to it, cause I'm here to stay."

Well, Bret might have a hard time holding onto the belt as Jimmy Hart just joined the WCW with what he calls his Dungeon of Doom. Led by Kevin Sullivan, it is his wrestler known as The Giant that could cause Bret Hart some trouble.

Well, that's it for now. For "The Ross Report", this is Ross Foreman. Goodnight.

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