Hazel Herm (l) Lynne Roberts (r)
The year 2001 came with lots of disappointment, pain and suffering. After abusing my shoulders for 3 full years racing and training, my doctor decided that I would be better served to lay off for a year and let the "old bones and joints" recover and heal. After numerous sessions of physical therapy, rest and more rest (yawn......)I've finally been ok'd for training again... hopefully we'll have a women's class for the year 2002...
Besides racing my other interests are: Aqua Aerobics (wateraerobics) and my dogs (children LOL)
This site is still in the construction stage, I will be adding pictures and some other information and other links. Please check back to see what develops.

My Favorite Links
Angelfire Webpages
Sea Doo
Skat-trak Performance Products
Personal Watercraft Zone
My Aqua Aerobics Page
My Dogs
My Dirtbike Page
Watercraft World
Boat Owner's World

Email: jbmoore313@cox.net