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Welcome to "You Know You've Been Watching Too Much Ranma 1/2 When..." This page was inspired by actual events surrounding me and my friends after extensive viewing sessions of Ranma 1/2. Of course most of these are exaggerated for humor, but began none the less in reality. So please enjoy my list, and if you find yourself doing any of these things please cut back on you're Ranma intake. Thank you.

Thank You to Kaitlyn, Nika, Fire Lilly, Rewong, Jo, Kenko, Sigma, Robb and Z, Pikachu and everyone who has sent me ideas. Keep them coming!

You know You’ve been Watching Too Much Ranma 1/2 When... add your age and status to the end of your name when you introduce yourself

...when a stranger steals your lunch you yell"I GIVE YOU KISS OF DEATH,NOW YOU DIE!!!!" think of genma when the "pretty pretty panda,pretty pretty dancing"snickers comercial comes on. name your cat shampoo tell your crush to blow off school and take you on a date.

(for girls only) see a small pig you start putting it close to your breast.

...You run around stealing bras and panties.

...You hate the rain.

...You blackmail everyone.

...You tack on the phrase "Anything Goes" to all sports.

...You wonder who Kuno will "love" next.

...You cringe when you hear a bike bell ring.

...You run over someone on your bike and ask them why they are under your bike.

...You get attacked on the ice rink by fashion clubs.

...You periodically kick people into the sky.

...Every morning at school you periodically beat all the boys up.

...You start using that little hand signal (index, ring finger and thumb sticking out) when surprised or shocked.

...You own about 50 red chinese shirts.

...Or yellow and black bandannas-- and insist on wearing them all at once.

...You realise that there is something seriously wrong with your glasses perscription when you realise you have been talking to a gumball machine for the last twenty minuites.

...You wonder why you can’t pull a gigantic mallet from out of nowhere.

...You love Kuno’s bokken more than he does.

...Your favorite insult is: "You Jackass!"

...You have an irresistible urge to write graffiti all over any male ice skater.

...You can’t figure out why you can’t suck up people’s battle auras with your fifty yen coin.

...Your principal considers your cloth bandanna as a deadly weapon

...You spend thousands of dollars on a trip to China just so you can find Jusenkyo. ...You try to hide hundreds of bladed chain weapons up your sleeves.

...You start demanding all call you the "Blue Thunder."

...You ask your parents if your family has a martial arts style.

You declare at a school assembly that if anyone wants the girl you like they have to beat her up.

You always try to beat someone up no matter how many times you loose.

You argue that Shakespeare was just ripping off Kuno's material.

..You use your older brother as a weapon.

...You think Willie Coyote and Genma are related.

...You watch the X-Files with Ranma 1/2.

...You buy a black pig and name it P-Chan.

...You think Babe, Wilber, and P-Chan are related.

...You accidentally bathe a girl's bathroom.

...You start memorizing sayings of Ranma 1/2

...You demand that Cartoon Network put on Ranma 1/2.

...You wonder how Nabiki gets her money.

...You think Nabiki has some connections to the Japanese Mafia.

...You think Kuno and Nabiki will get together.

...You make a radio show dedicated to Ranma 1/2.

...You start talk like Shampoo.

...You have a dream about turning into a boy/girl. (this has actually happened)

...You go to any "You know you've been watching too much ranma" pages to find out what you haven't done yet.

...You have more than one fiancee.

...You think Genma acts like a normal Panda.

...You pour hot water on friends pets just to see if they’re really human.

...You become uncomfortable around cats(or maybe you become scared to death of them).

...You walk on the fence next to the sidewalk as opposed to the sidewalk itself.

...You can sing along to the theme song(s) Japanese.

...You think hair care products are normal names for people.

...You can get lost in a house.

...You spend more time fighting at school than learning.

...You think old people shrink down to about two feet tall.

...You fear exposure to cold water.

...You think of martial arts whenever you hear, rhythmic gymnastics, restaurant take-out, figure skating, wedding competition, ect.

...You think Akane should fall into the “spring of drowned man” just so her and Ranma would be alike.

...You Take Scuba Gear into the bath tub.

...You think of “Anything Goes” as an actual martial arts style.

...You get a craving for ramen.

...You watch an entire season in one day.

...You make a “You’ve Been Watching Too Much Ranma 1/2 When...” List.

...You wish you could poke holes in concrete with your finger.

...You seriously consider trading your infant son for food.

...You complain to the zoo keeper when the panda doesn’t communicate with signs.

...You think people from China can’t use pronouns.

...You hear a girl laughing in public and instantly think of Kodachi.

...You throw cold water on someone you're mad at, and then expect them to transform and leave you alone.

...You always have a bucket of water/tea kettle handy.

...You Talk about which cursed spring you want to fall into.

...You plan a trip to China just to look for Jusenkyo.

...You will address me as "upperclassman."

...You forget that there is such a thing as an American cartoon.

Thank You To the Anime Adoption Agency for allowing me to adopt Genma and give him a home here on this page.

Anime Adoption
                                                               Agency:Adopt a pet Today!
Genma Saotome

Ain't He Cute?
You are theth Victim of Anything Goes Martial Arts

Let me know Some of your symptoms that let you know you've been watching too much Ranma 1/2. Just click on P-Chan

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