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Thank you SO MUCH Erica for doing this AWESOME pic for us!! Go here *~*~* please. :c)

December 27th 1998-OHMYGOD guys, we are SO SO SO SO SO SO SO UNBELIEVABLY SORRY that we havn't updated in FOREVER! You have NO IDEA how bad we feel. We still luv this story adn we luv you guys, but a LOT of things have been going on in the past little while. High School is fun, but itz not giving us much time! We're sorry about that. But there's also one other thing. I'm not kidding when I say this (itz Alex), Sarah's brother is very sick and is in the hospital. He was put in in late November. Got out early December and was remitted about a week ago. He was in for Christmas. Please forgive us and we'll get the next chapter up after all of this hell is over with. Keep Brendan in your prayers. Thank you. And we're sorry once again.

"Best Friends write the Best Stories."

Hello and Welcome everyone to our Hanson Story!! Please, after you read the story, take the time to click around. :c) Thanks!




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

*****Chapter 13*****

Don't Walk Away This is a story we're hosting for a girl named Sarah (not the Sarah in this story, a differant Sarah) and it will be up hopefully soon! Keep checking back for the story!

Here is the Hanson Concert Review! Enjoy!!

Any comments or suggestions can be sent Here. Also if you want to be on our update list, and know when we add another chapter, you can send it there too! Please indicate in your e-mail if you want to be upated or not, because if you don't it screws us up!! Just put "update me" somewhere in the e-mail!! If you don't get an e-mail back comfirming the updates, then your e-mail addy doesn't work (some AOL ones won't go through). We're really sorry if it doesn't work but it's not our fault, it's hotmail's. Those people are screwed.

Hey People. School's on and itz BUSY! We have tons of homework and stuff..I'm sure if any of you have just started Gr. 9 you know it's a tonna work. Thanks a bundle for hanging in there. We'll get the next chapter up as soon as we can. Thanks again.

If you're not so hot on e-mailing, then just sign our guestbook (it's at the bottom of our page) and voice your opinions there!

We have a page about US so if you wanna know some more about us ('cause u think we rock...but can we blame u?? j/k) just go there!

Here are our kickbum Story Links Go ahead and visit them...they rock!

Hey, u guys ever wanted to talk to us? U can! We both have ICQ. Here are our #'s:
Sarah: #13717510 Nickmame: §uger-Cube
Alex: #9969978 Nickname: SpiffyChick. I also have AOL Instant Messanger. My name is: AliWalli (I had to change it)

Sign R guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View r guestbook

Hello! For those of you who don't know, this is our MmmBop named Jordie-Homer. But we call him Joe for short. He lives at our page and is here to smile at all who see him! If you say "Hi Joe" to him (your computor screen) we guarantee that you will fell stupid!! But it will make you happy and that's what he's here for!

<---Alex's. <---Sarah's
