Yep, these are pictures of me~~~~~~>
Since this is the first time for some of you to see me. I guess I should
tell you something about me. But what? I have very important news at the bottom of the page. (I like to save the best for last) Well.....
-Above all, I love God! (most of the time anyway...)
-I teach 6th grade science students. Before that, i taught 7th grade science students for 6 years.
-I enjoy sports or physical movement. Baseball is my favorite to watch & play. Football is more fun to play than watch. & Hockey is best on TV, otherwise I might freeze. =)
-I like camping. Both of these pictures were taken while I was
camping at Cornerstone '98.
If you don't know what Cornerstone music festival is, find out! I hope to go again & again & again. I have a small pop-up which makes sleeping at Cornerstone much easier. We stay on the main road. It's mighty busy there. =)
-If i'm not at church or school (work), a huge portion of my time is spent with family, who do not want to be put on my webpage or, one of
my pets.
who don't have a say in the decision of weather they are on the web page or not. =) Hopefully I'll have their page updated someday. Keep checking it out.
-I like neon green and aliens. But, my truck is electric blue...
Just to catch you up on things:
-The children I sponsor through
Compassion International
are doing wonderful. As many of you know, I'm a concert rep for Compassion.
It's a wonderful child development program. Ask me how you can help save the life of a child through Compassion International! Here is a link to an unusual day volunteering.
-I teach sixth grade science students
at Buerkle Middle School. I'm in charge of the computer club & we update Buerkle's webpage. I also co-sponsor our award winning Student Council. These students are great!!!
-I've completed my master's degree (in Education) & am finally working on extra hours.
-Sue Weedman and myself are in charge of Student Council. Our student council has won the state's gold award again.
-I'm also trying to find a house.
-The school district is also allowing me to teach computer things to other teachers. It's great!
-I am writing articles for
The Phantom Tollbooth
-& one of the most wonderful changes in my life.... I'm married! It's amazing how God led us together. & he's such a wonderful man!! I love Matt. he's really great! He learned a lot about me through this website. I'm looking forward to putting pictures of him on here. :-)
-I'm sure i've forgotten something. So, just ask!
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