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My Pets

I'm not sure where to start... I can't get rid of pages from pets who have died. So, here it goes...

This link will tell you about Samson. She was the first of many ferrets for me.

Samson was my first ferret. I love her more than any of my worldly possesions. She was my classrom pet my first year teaching. I've learned a lot from her. Not just about ferrets. But, about God, His creation, and even human nature. Unfortunately, she is getting old & I'm afraid this may be Samson's last summer because she is getting very old and could die soon. You can see some of her early days on my previous pet page.

Taz is my newer ferret. I got Taz from a family who just couldn't care for a ferret anymore. They were giving give him to the shelter where he would have eventually been put to sleep. I love taz dearly. He has helped brighten my day so many times. Samson and Taz use to fight. But after about 4 months, they decided to get along.

After we had to put Bear to sleep, we got Sammy from the Animal Protective Agency (pound) & he is our first non-pure bred. But, he's great! Sammy loves to carry around sticks and balls. When he wants your attention, he howls. He really does this if he thinks you owe him food or if you are paying to much attention to my brother's dog, Saxon. He is 80lbs. of muscle and thinks he belongs on my lap. The dog is a total crack up.

My previous pet page is here. At the house, my brother also has his dog (Saxon) and cats (Skunk and Scratch).

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