The Link - "The Nation's Homeschool Newspaper"
A free, bi-monthly publication available online or in print.
Home Education Magazine
since 1983 - one of the oldest, most respected, and most informative magazines on the subject of homeschooling - some issues available on line
At Home Mothers
Although not specifically Homeschool related,
provides complete support for the at-home motherhood lifestyle,
free Info Guides, articles, tips, online newsletters
plus At-Home Mother magazine and the National Association of At-Home Mothers.
The Alternative Education Resource Organization
- a non-profit organization providing information for those interested
in homeschooling their children, or finding private or public alternative schools
Homeschool Fun Magazine
online zine with articles, lesson plans, book reviews and more
HomeSchool Dad Magazine
an on-line publication that encourages fathers to lead by example and
provides ready-to-use information on educational adventures for dads, kids, and families
Sassafrass Grove's Site of the Month for June,2000!!
Eclectic Homeschool Online
a complete internet magazine with resources, articles and links to help you homeschool creatively
F.U.N. News
the quarterly newsletter of the Family Unschoolers Network
Growing Without Schooling
Since 1977 - focuses on John Holt and unschooling
Practical Homeschooling
from Mary Pride -
The Teaching Home
since 1980 - for and by Christian homeschoolers
Nurturing Online
the magazine of Natural Parenting and Natural Living
Check out these Education Magazines
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S.A. McUmber-House - Sassafrass Grove Studio
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