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All homeschoolers have questions now and again: "How do I know I'm doing enough?" "Where can I find out what the requirements are in my state?" "How do I make sure my kids are ready for college?" "Where can I find supplies that are affordable?" "How do I figure out what learning style my kids have?"... and many more. Following is a list of valuable resource sites that can help you get answers, ideas and inspiration.
Be sure to check out the many other pages, including the FAQs, here at Sassafrass Grove for more help and links.

NEW!! Kaplan Info center's Test Lab
Samples, examples, and a good look at what your student will face
in the standardized test arena, with FREE practice tests.

Curriculum Sources and Correspondence/Umbrella Schools
Homeschool - A Light at the End of the Tunnel - great list of resources including secular and religious
The Digital Classroom
To encourage use of archival documents, providing materials from the National Archives
and methods for teaching with primary sources.

Free Federal Resources For Educational Excellence>
Pretty Impressive listings
Academic Standards by State
find out what guidelines are used by your state's schools in each subject and grade
You may feel even better about what you are doing!

Homeschool - Teens - College
support for homeschooling ages 11-18 - from Cafi Cohen, author of "And What About College"
Home School Discount
Loads of educational items at good prices especially for homeschoolers
including software, science kits, homeschool curriculum, and lots more

The Path From Homeschool To College
brief description of extra admission steps and links to College Board services
and programs to can help home schooled students plan for and apply to college

An Explanation of Learning Styles & Multiple Intelligence
helpful for everyone, especially people with learning disabilities and ADD
Homeschool FAQ's
from Home Education Magazine - good stuff!
Home Schooling FAQs
The Caron's Homeschool FAQ
What New Homeschoolers Want to Know
from the Oregon Home Education Network
Homeschool FAQs
from Heart of Wisdom
FAQs about Homeschooling
from Homeschoolers Educational Resources of Oregon (HERO)
Homeschool FAQs
from Christian Homeschool Forum
Homeschool FAQ
from Homeschool Zone
Canadian Home Based Learning FAQ
Home Education Frequently Asked Questions
from Jon's Homeschool Resource Page
The Idea Box
Early Childhood Education & Activity Resources - GREAT!
Jon's Homeschool Resource Page
Great resource!
The Three Barriers to Study
And How To Overcome Them - a great little booklet that helps you *and* your kids
understand what happens to make learning a chore *and* how to get back in the swing

The Alternative Education Resource Organization
- a non-profit organization providing information for those interested
in homeschooling their children, or finding private or public alternative schools

The world's first distance learning high school,
with online courses and an accredited degree program

Creative Kids
a place that's safe and fun - a place to explore and to deepen knowledge
RLS Educational Resource Directory
Homeschooling Resources
at Home Education Magazine
Colleges That Have Admitted Homeschoolers
an extensive list that should ease some of your fears about ever getting your homeschooled kids into college
Home and Education
lots of homeschooling info, resources, links and ADD info, resources, links
The Middle School Cybrary
Global Access to Educational Resources
Sylvan Children's Skills Test
skills and aptitude assessment
Learning Life
Food for thought and places to talk
Character Counts!
a nationwide initiative to support nonpartisan character education
HomeSchool World
articles, lists of HSing organizations & conventions, Homeschool Mall, Help back issues, and more
Missouri Homeschool Pages
If you need to know in the state of MO, this is the place you need to go.
Learn2 do everything from buy new skis to fold the flag
Educare On-Line
Homeschooling News On-line
this fill-in-the-blank interactive Web site helps you pick a topic, search the Web,
gather sites, and turn Web resources into activities appropriate for learners

Homeschoolers Networking Together
Resources for Early Childhood Educators
Mr Donn's Pages
Units, Lesson Plans, Activities & Resources - WOW! You've got to see this!
Lesson Plans, Activities, and Resources
Cool Toys
much more than toys - software, books, kits, and all sorts of educational playstuff
Encarta Online
lesson plans for all subjects
Connecting Students
Lesson Plans by Subject
Redwood Games Homeschool Pages
Loads of 'how-tos' + Educational Games & Shareware
Kachina Web Education Exchange
Vast List of Educational Links
Free Resources for Teachers
Homeschool Connection
Great resources, Curriculum reviews,
Discussion boards and links to State Laws

RHL School
LOTS of worksheets to copy and use
Parent and Teacher Resources
Good stuff here - everything from recommended children's authors
to museum listings by region

(Best Of the Best Computer-Aided Teaching) - by grade & subject
Prodigy Homeschool Resource Guide
The Mining Company
B.J.Pinchbeck's Homework Helper
an absolutely AWESOME resource!
Education Links For Parents and Teachers

Check out these Education Magazines

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