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S · C · H · O · O · L

There is a world of information out there
available at the punch of a button.
A store of knowledge so vast, none of us could ever see it all.
Of course,... that doesn't mean we can't try....



Anything you wish to study or teach
can probably be found on the
World Wide Web.
Search engines abound, reference libraries are everywhere,
and with a little effort you can find information
about almost any subject you can
This little box may be the greatest thing
you can give your child (after love, that is) to
ensure his/her opportunity to learn about the world.
The knowledge of
the universe is at your fingertips,
here...from children's book authors to science experiments, &
from learning how to spell to talking 'real-time' with an astronaut.

So, have fun! (but don't forget to let the kids get on too!)

A World of Learning on the Web...
Check out these links!

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Sassafrass Grove Homeschooling Pages

The Arts
Foreign Languages and ESL
More Kids' Fun and Learning on The Net
Reading/Language Arts
The dreaded "S" word - Socialization
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Helpful Homeschooling Related Links


Bulletin Boards & Discussion Forums

Homeschoolers' Homepages & WEB RINGS

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Miscellaneous Homeschool Links

Resource Link Lists (Usually by Subject)

Software, Shareware and Freeware Sites

Used Curriculum and Book Sites

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You are visitor number since June 14th, 1999

NOTE: All graphics on this page are original and copyrighted 1997, 1998
S.A. McUmber-House - Sassafrass Grove Studio
Use or duplication without permission of the artist is prohibited by law.
Please don't pinch them.