The Tears of TheLittlest Angels
This Net ring was created for the smallest of victims.. the children.. For we all, carry the child that we were within us for life. Children are the Littlest Angels. Angels are pure, without guile, without sin, loving, and all forgiving. That is the same description that I would give to a child. I find though, that through experience, that not all children are allowed to be pure, (they are corrupted by twisted, deranged individuals) without guile, (they are taught that) without sin, (they are sinless!) loving, (they love totally un-conditionally) and all forgiving ( forgiving of ones self is not easy.. forgiving others is easier than self forgiveness.) I know that there are other NetRings
out there that deal with the same subject as this one does. But in
my opinion, there can never ever ever! be enough awareness
on this subject. So I have started
The Tears of The Littlest Angels Net Ring If you would like to be a part of The Littlest Angels, then please read the following criteria. The Littlest Angels Net Ring has pages that deal with sexual abuse of children. If you object to content of this nature then please, do not judge those that feel the need to tell of their experiences, we do not accept pornographic pictures. But some content, may bring up some pictures of their own in survivors of this terrible crime. We also deal with the injustice dealt out to the Child Victims of the World, due to the legal system and it's seeming inability to act as a team to protect these children. What we are trying to do is unite the Child Victims of the World, so that they can have a Voice, that they can be heard. So that maybe just maybe in the future there will be better laws that WILL protect these innocent little Angels. We accept pages that deal with the child victim, it does not matter if you are an adult now, if you were abused as a child and have felt the need to express your anger and frustration. Or if you have a child that has been abused and you feel the need to express your anger and inability to help them. As WebRing Mistress, I do however reserve the right to not admit a Web site into the Ring, I hope that there will never arise a situation where I will need to do this, If you think your page belongs in this circle then it probably does. I realize that any page that deals with abuse of a child causes terrible flashbacks for all victims, because it seems that in every page there is something that reminds us of our own victimization at the hands of an abuser. Some of us have lived through this terrible thing in our lives with very few outward scars, but believe me, they are buried deep within and choose the darkest hours of the night to crawl out and attack us again and again. Others of us still have the outward scars as well as the inner ones . But we will all overcome. WE are survivors!
If for any reason you need to make changes to an existing site.
![]() I will check your site as soon as I am able, to see if your page meets the requirements. Thank you for your interest in this Net Ring.BeaDragonia
Members of the