The game is best experienced with Internet Explorer and at full screen size.
Use the back arrow on your browser to go back from pages with no links.
This is not a program, and it does not keep track of your money, score, things you find/use, etc. Play on the honor system and don't cheat to really enjoy the game.
You begin the game at age 30. If you reach age 56 before you complete the mission objectives, the game is over. Feel free to play again!
Pick up things you find, buy, or are given, by making a note of them. You cannot use what you do not have. Some items are reusable; use common sense.
Keep track of your money; you begin the game with $100. You may not buy something if you don't have enough money; however, you can go into debt if you are charged money (such as for an emergency room visit, for example).
Keep a tally of red, blue, and yellow points as you find them (anywhere you see a large digit between 1 and 10 in red, blue or yellow). Their significance will be explained at the end of the game.
As you go farther from the starting point of the game, as in real life, dangerous situations will arise.
When you encounter choices to make, remember, this is real life. Some situations demand a response; some do not.
There are several game objectives, which will become clear as you play.
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The Mission banner made by Dragon Animation Studio.