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Upsilon Omega Foundation Inc.
Building & Equipment Fund Pledges

The Building & Equipment Fund has been established in order to purchase, improve, equip and maintain the Omega Center, property purchased through the Upsilon Omega Foudation, Inc. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporation under the internal revenue code and therefore there are many tax and contribution advantages to the Chapter in having the Foundation own the property. Taxwise, the Foundation is exempt from taxation, therefore there is a significant savings in real estate and sales and use taxes in owning, operating, equiping and maintaining the building. Secondly, contributors to the Foundation are entitled to a tax deduction and therefore it is easier to raise funds through the Foundation. We welcome contributions to the building fund from both active and inactive members of the Fraternity as well as members of the public.

Click Here to review a partial list of persons pledging and contributing to the building and equipment fund as of date

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation or contribution to the Upsilon Omega Building & Equipment Fund, please click on the link below. You will be instructed to fill out a form providing us with your personal information as well as the amount of your donation and any specific use or purpose to which you want the contribution or donation directed. You may print the form and mail your donation as indicated on the form. Otherwise, you may submit the form for online payment. After submitting the form, you will be redirected to our online donation or contribution page to allow you to charge your donation to your credit card.

Click Here to Make an Online Donation
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