Scorpions | False Scorpions | Harvester Spiders |
Whip Scorpions | Whip Spiders | Short-tailed Whip Scorpions |
Mini Whip Scorpions | Sun Spiders | Hooded Tickspiders |
Mites and Ticks | Spiders |
Most arachnid species are considered to be pests or are thought to be dangerous to humans.some spiders can kill humans, but these occurrences are very rare. Scorpions are also poisonous, and ticks can spread deadly illnesses, such as lyme disease. Arachnids are found throughout the world, from ponds to rainforests to desert to attics. They prefer warmer climates.
There are approx 60 000 species, with many more waiting to be discovered. There are 11 orders with living members today:
Scorpiones (scorpions) 1200 spp
Pseudoscorpiones or Chelonethida (false scorpions) 2000 spp
Opiliones or Phalangida (harvester spiders) 5000 spp
Uropygi (whip scorpions) 100 spp
Amblypygi (whip spiders or tailless whip scorpions) 70 spp
Schizomida (shortailed whip scorpions)
Palpigradi (miniature whip scorpions) 60 spp
Solifugae or Solpugida (sun spiders) 900 spp
Ricinulei (hooded tickspiders)
Acari (mites, ticks) 25 000 spp
Araneae (spiders) 35 000 spp