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BachelorRM's Home Page

I'm adding a page with some of my favorite videos and links to HILARIOUS stuff on the internet!

Click on my pic to get into my head...

Click here for a webcam video of me and JAMIE!!!

Here's another webcam video, aren't we cute?

Welcome to my web page!

I'm 25 years old, I'm six foot with brown hair and green eyes. But, my hair color varies from time to time, from blue tips to blonde tips. Right now, I don't have anything...Tomorrow I'll have...? As my hair has gotten longer, it has started to curl. I wasn't sure if I liked it like that, but it's growing on me. (Sorry for that nasty pun...)

I just finished a show, The Scarlet Pimpernel at Hale Center Theatre. My online journal has been updated into a blog! 2003's journal is still in it's old format.

Here's me in Las Vegas at Jake's Bar...hehe...
Big ups to Heather for this picture!! Love you babe!

I am a Weber State University student, majoring in musical theatre. I am actually living in Salt Lake and going to SLCC and Weber State at the same time. It's kind of cool, because I love Salt Lake City. I hate Ogden, if you hadn't picked up on that yet.

I love singing and acting...I have been in many shows over the last few years. One was My Fair Lady at Raytown Community Theatre... I had the best time there! I played Freddy Eyensford-Hill, the character who becomes infactuated with the main character, Eliza. View pics of them here! I graduated with an Associates of Arts transfer degree in Spring 2001 from Longview Community College in Lees Summit, Missouri. Longview was honored as the best two year university by Time magazine. Click here to find out more!

I used to major in Comupter Science...but I realized that although HTML is awesome and easy, programming is boring and mind-numbing... With that in mind, please remember that my web page is very simple! Although Angelfire has basic web document editors, I'm attempting to do this site on my own! AAHHH!

The Summer of 2003 was an exciting one. I served a performing service mission in Nauvoo, IL. I loved serving there, and I just wanted to let everyone know who served with me that I love EACH and EVERY one of you! My time in Nauvoo went by too quickly, with too much to process in a short time. I'll be adding a page here about the experiences I had. I'm hoping to find a scanner so I can get some of my better pics online from there.


In this web page I have dedicated different pages to things I love. If you look hard enough, you may see pictures of my family. Also, I have found living proof that there are, in fact, aliens among us. The proof is all here! Click around to find it! (My family is not the proof, if you think I'd joke like that...LOL)

En español

Aliens Among Us?

Click here to view my résumé.

I also love dogs, I have a beagle named Buddy.

He's still in Missouri with my family...I really miss him, and my family too...

BLUE is my favorite color! Just to let you know...

Some of My Favorite Web Sites

Star Trek Official Site

My Friend Kim's Page!(She actually has a few pics of chubby me from high school on her page, so buyer beware!)
