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Family Photos

This is my family, on the left is my oldest son Christopher he is 17 years old in this picture, he is now 23. Next to him is his mother Cindy we have been divorced now for 3 years. The handsome devil next to her is me, my name is David...and the boy on the right is my youngest son Jedidiah which is 15 years old. He is now 21 years old.

This is a picture of my boys when they were younger with there grandmother Martha, this is a very wonderful woman who cares for her family very much. I love her very much.

This is a picture of my wife and I, This was taken at my mothers wedding, I just loved the tux.

This is my youngest son Jedidiah, I enjoy him very much because he likes to joke around just as much as his father. Sometimes this is not a good thing. Ha..Ha.

And this is Christopher, with his best friend Amanda at there Junior/Senior Prom. Boy don't they look great.

This old western picture is of my wife and I, it was taken at the Missouri State Fair. I really had to talk her into this one.

This is me when I was in the Army . Taken after boot camp in 1983. I was 21 years old in this picture.

This is the newest pic I have taken of myself, I plan to have many more of the family later.

This Picture is about 1 year old, of coarse it's of me.

This is my childhood picture, I was 7 years old here. I never really like this picture due to the size of my ears, LOL.

And this one is when I was stationed in Virgina Beach during 1985-86 in the Army.
